Mingyu and Wonwoo

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Imagine for Majoranimelover101

You sit on a bed in the dorm, the boys circled around you. You were telling them about a date you had tonight and one you had been looking forward to for ages.

"And he's amazing! So funny and sweet. He's taking me to this really fancy restaurant, the place where all the rich people go." You gush to them.

"Sounds boring to me." Grunts Seungkwan and he yawns on cue.

"Are you sure he's genuine, Y/N?" Asks Wonwoo.

"Yeah, seems to good to be true. What's his name?" Mingyu pipes up.

You say the name and you see Mingyu and Wonwoo glance at each other, looking slightly concerned.

"What is it?" You demand.

"Nothing, nothing." They say and you squint suspiciously at them. They pull an innocent face and look away from you. You shake your head at them.

"So, how did he ask you out?" Lee Chan asks, head on hands, looking interested.

You continue to tell the story and you don't notice Mingyu and Wonwoo slip out of the room. Soon after the boys get up to head to practice while you head to your room to get ready for tonight.
It takes a while, but soon enough, your hair and makeup is done to perfection and you wear your best dress.

You wait outside the dorms, where your date said he'll pick you up. When he arrives, he pulls up in the most expensive car you've ever seen. He gets out and flashes a smile at you. He walks around to the other side of the car and opens the door for you.

"M'lady." He says mockingly. You giggle and he laughs with you. You get in the car and he drives off to the restaurant. He cracks jokes all the way, causing you to crease up with laughter.

"And then he said to the barman- wait, is someone following us?" He says.

"Um, I don't get it." You say.

"No, I literally mean it, I think someone is following us." He replies

You turn around in your seat to see a familiar bus behind you. You vaguely recognize Wonwoo behind the wheel but you're not sure. You decide to play dumb and ignore him.

"Uh, I don't think they are. Maybe they're going the same place we are." You say, laughing awkwardly.

"Maybe." He says, but he seems slightly more uncomfortable.

The rest of the journey is normal and you hang onto his arm as he leads you into the restaurant. He orders a table a table for two and both sit down.

"Fancy place." You comment.

"I know, I hope you enjoy." He smiles at you and you blush. His mood changes slightly, so he becomes more flirtatious. "So I was thinking that maybe we could go back to my place later?"

"Um, sure. What for?" You ask.

"I'll show you when we get there." He looks down at his lap for a spilt second and then winks at you. You smile politely back, not getting it.

You're about to call a waiter to order your food, when someone comes up behind you.

"Y/N!" He says and slaps his hands on your shoulders. "Didn't know you'd be here!"

You turn your head to see Mingyu grinning mischievously at you. You give him a what-the-hell-are-you-doing-here look but he ignores you. He pulls up a chair and sits at your table. Your date stares at him in shock.

"Um, who the hell are you?" He asks.

"Why, I'm Y/N's best friend. Tell him Y/N." He says, helping himself to bread.

"I have no idea who this weirdo is." You say, bluntly.

"Classic, Y/N." Replies Mingyu, shaking his head and laughing.

"Well, can you fu-" Your date starts but at that time the waiter turns up. As you look at him, you see he looks exactly like Wonwoo. You suppress your groan of absolute frustration.

"Yes, what would you like?" Wonwoo asks, obnoxiously. He makes eye contact with Mingyu and you see them give each other competitive looks. What are those idiots doing? You think to yourself.

"Ah yes, can we have whatever's good? And can you get rid of this freak?" Your date replies.

"With pleasure." Wonwoo says and grabs Mingyu by his hood. Mingyu leaned forward and grabbed your date by his tie.

"Ah! Get off me!" Your date says, grabbing Mingyu's hand.

"Hey, if I'm being 'get rid of' then so are you, buddy." Mingyu says.

"Stop it!" You shout and people in the restaurant start to stare.

Suddenly the tie rips and your date and Mingyu fall, only Mingyu is caught by Wonwoo and your date just hits the floor. You get up and go over to him. You try to help him up but he shakes you off.

"Get off me! I'm leaving!" He says and gets up. He looked like a completely different person to who he was in the car, not sweet and funny, but arrogant and a total jerk. He starts to walk out of the restaurant and you run after him.

"What?" You ask, confused.

"Ugh! I only wanted to go out with you, so I could have a bit of fun tonight. It's not like I care about all this stupid gentleman stuff." He says. You step away from him, shocked and hurt.

"Sir! You forgot your wine!" Wonwoo suddenly runs out, followed by Mingyu, with a bottle of wine.

"Here you go!" He says, cheerfully and he pours it all over your ex-date. You couldn't help but laugh hysterically at him.

"And the keys to your car!" Calls Mingyu and he throws them at him, getting him where it hurts most. He groans and runs off, humiliated.

Mingyu and Wonwoo turn to you, grinning.

"Told you he was too good to be true." Says Mingyu.

"As soon as I heard the name, I knew I had to do something." Wonwoo says.

"Same here. Looks like we got the same idea." Mingyu replies.

"Yeah." They give each other that look again and you decide to speak up.

"Thank you so much, guys. I honestly didn't know what he was like."

"It's okay, Y/N." Says Wonwoo. He comes up to you and grabs your hand with both of his. As he does he presses something into them and whispers in your ear, so fast that Mingyu doesn't notice. "Don't open when Mingyu's around." He then let's go and smiles. "Well, I'm off. See you guys at home." He walks away, leaving you with Mingyu. You stand there, contemplating what he just said.

"So, Y/N." Says Mingyu, grabbing your attention. He comes up to you and leans in real close. "If you ever feel like a do over date... Let me know. Oh, but, don't tell Wonwoo." His whisper sends shivers down your back and he gives you a kiss on the cheek. He then walks in the direction that Wonwoo left in, still grinning.

You let your butterflies die down before opening the note that Wonwoo gave you. It said simply this:

Well, that was fun. Want to go out again sometime? Oh, but, don't tell Mingyu.

That's when you knew, you had a serious problem.

Bet you guys thought it was gonna be a Meanie imagine.

Anyway, I might do a part 2 to this if anyone wants it. I don't mind doing one but it might take a while.

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