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Imagine for mrs_jeonwonwoo, nuguseyom, MeraXoxoQiqi and thatsn0no

"Wonwoo? Dinner's ready." You call out to your boyfriend, Wonwoo, who was still in bed. He had come home late last night, after practicing in the early hours of the morning with the rest of Seventeen.

He doesn't respond and you sigh loudly. You leave the food on the table and walk toward the bedroom. You look in to see him on his phone, looking sleepy.

"Wonwoo? Did you hear me?" You ask.

He sighs loudly. "Yeah. I'll be there in a minute." He says, not removing his gaze from the screen.

You walk over and sit on the edge of the bed next to him, jostling him slightly. He sighs in annoyance as the phone falls out of his hand at this movement.

"C'mon might as well eat while it's still warm." You say, running your hand through his hair.

"I said I'm coming now." He says, raising his voice. He moves his head out of your reach and gets out of bed, taking the phone with him. He walks away from you and into the dining room, where the food was waiting for him on the table.

It's been like this for a while. You still didn't know why Wonwoo was so distant and every attempt to talk about it was avoided. You barely saw him these days, he was always at practice and when he was home he went straight to the phone. He got annoyed at the smallest things when he was with you but when you look at the pictures on social media he was smiling brightly in every one. You had talked to the guys and they had also noticed his change in behavior but to and lesser degree. He only seemed to be like this around you and you had no idea what you had done.

You sigh and follow him out. He was in his phone while simultaneously eating the food. The room was completely silent, save for the sounds coming from the phone. You slowly move to sit down next to him.

"Enjoying?" You ask.

He nods. "Yeah." He still doesn't look at you. You hope for his sake that whatever's on the phone is really interesting.

"You haven't been eating much lately." You say, starting to pry a little.

"Well, I'm eating now. You don't have to worry about me all the time."

"Wonwoo, I'm your girlfriend, it's my job to worry."

"Well don't."

The conversation ends awkwardly. He continues to eat while you struggle to find something to say. He finishes his good and gets up, shoving the phone in his pocket. He scratches the back of his head and walks toward the bedroom.

"I'm going to practice. See you." He gets changed quickly and you sit there, waiting, and trying to think of a way to talk to him.

He comes out of the bedroom and starts heading toward the front door. You stand up and block his way.

"Wonwoo, why don't you stay here today? You've been practicing for weeks, you guys deserve a day off." You say, nervously pulling at the sleeves of your jumper.

"I've gotta practice Y/N." He sighs and tries to push past you but you stay resilient.

"It's not good to keep working all the time. Idols need breaks too." You point out. He sighs in frustration and forcibly moves you out of the way.

"I'm going. Jeez, just get off my back, will you?" He says harshly. He starts to walk out but you grab his arm and force him to face you. For once, you don't feel upset by his behavior but angry.

"Listen to me. You've been like this for weeks, what is going on with you? Have I done something wrong?" You ask. He looks slightly taken aback by your forceful tone but he gets over it quickly.

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