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Imagine for amazingcheri

"Notes? Check. Textbooks? Check? Fear of impending failure? Check." You mutter to yourself as you arrange the stationary carefully around the laptop in front of you.

"Have you finally gone insane? You're talking to yourself." Your friend, who you were currently on Skype with, says.

"Yes. I'm going crazy from stress, the exam is in two weeks and I know nothing." You declare to her.

"You need a social life. That will take your mind off the stress." She replies as she happily munches on a bag of popcorn.

"I do have a social life! I just need to study. Desperately." You say, looking down at the textbook in front of you.

"Well, I'll leave you too it. Though, there's a party nearby that I'm planning on going to, are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Very sure. Have fun." You say, looking up to wave goodbye to her.

"You too." She waves back, giving you a grin.

You hang up the call and sigh, anticipating the long night ahead. You had promised yourself that you would pull an all night study session, mostly because of the agonising fear of failure that's been haunting you.

You stare down at your desk, reading the words on the textbook but not taking them in at all. You had just decided that you'd make yourself a strong cup of coffee, to help you stay awake, when music started blasting from the apartment above yours.

"Argh! It's that guy again?!" You half yell angrily at the coffee cup you were holding.

The guy above you had a reputation of being a teensy bit too loud but actually loud enough to get kicked out. However, since he lived directly above you, the noise he made was a lot louder for you. You'd seen him around, often riding the same elevator ride down as you left for your part time job. He was tall and good-looking, but the only thing you knew about him was his name, Mingyu, since he was loud and annoying and not your type. At least, that's what you told yourself.

You place the empty coffee cup back on the counter and grab the nearest hoodie to you. You quickly fix your hair in the mirror near the door, making sure you looked at least presentable enough to confront him. You then leave your apartment and quickly climb the stairs to the floor above you, bitch face on.

You find his door number and knock angrily on it. You wait a minute, crossing your arms and staring intensely at the door. After a minute of no response, you knock again, this time louder and angrier.

"Door's open!" Calls a voice from inside.

You take a deep breath and open the door with a confident arm. The scene that greets you is a confusing one. The first thing you see is an almost empty living room which is flushed with disco lights, looking like the typical house party. Except there was nobody there.

"Hello?!" You yell over the music. You stand in the doorway, feeling awkward and angry at the same time, until a tall figure appears from the door toward the side of the room.

"Can I help you?" The figure that is revealed to be Mingyu, says.

"Yes, yes you can." You say boldly, crossing your arms.

You were about to continue when you suddenly lost your nerve and just stared at him. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to go on.

"Uh... could you maybe turn the music down? I'm trying to study." You say, more timidly than before.

"Aw, why are you studying at this time of night?" He asks you, cocking his head slightly to the side, a playful smile on his lips.

"I have an exam- hey, what's it to you? Why are you blasting music at this time of night?" You reply, mimicking the way he asked you.

"Night time is the best time for music." He says simply, the annoying smile still on his face.

You let out a frustrated sigh. "Please?" You try one more time, "Please, can you turn down that loud ass music?"

"Alright then, since you asked so nicely." He shrugs and wanders over to the stereo and turns it down. He turns and gives you a smile again but you just roll your eyes and turn around to leave.

"Wait!" He calls after you. You turn back and look at him. "No goodbye wave?"

You ignore him and just keep on walking, trying not to get annoyed by his laughter you hear as you walk down the hallway.

You get back to your apartment, the annoyance slowly fading into dread. You sit at your desk and open up your notebooks, ready and steady to start studying. However, just as you were about to write the first word, you suddenly hear fireworks whistling in the air. They explode, annoyingly and very very loudly.

You mentally scream as you proceed to your nearest window and wrench it open. You look up to see, just as your instincts have told you, the fireworks originating from the balcony of the apartment above yours. Mingyu's apartment.

"Argh!" You yell, sounding vaguely like one of the zombies from The Walking Dead™.

It doesn't take you long to get back up to Mingyu's and soon enough you were knocking furiously in the door. He opens the door after way too long, his hair windswept and the small smile still on his face.

"Yes?" He asks in the most annoyingly calm voice ever.

"Why are you setting off fireworks in the middle of the night?" You ask without hesitation.

"Why not?" He replies. He leans against the door frame, looking at you. "They're pretty." He says softly.

"Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Mingyu, but I'm trying to study and fireworks are pretty loud buddy pal." You say in one rushed mini speech, ending it by poking him angrily in the chest. He just looks at you, speechless.

After a while, he speaks up, "You know my name?" He asks in awe.

"Ugh!" You half yell, crossing your arms and walking away again.


Your blatant anger at him must have just become clear to him as you hear him call after you again, but you ignore it this time. Ignore it until he runs after you, grabs your arm and turns you around.

"I'm really sorry!" He blurts out before you can say anything. "I really didn't mean to disturb you." He takes a deep breath and runs the back of his neck, not quite looking you in the eye. "The truth is, I was only trying to get your attention, call me chicken, but I get scared when talking to girls so I didn't know how else to talk to you. I really am sorry." He finishes by looking you in the eye, almostly shyly.

"Well... that was slightly unexpected." You say, feeling embarrassed by your anger towards him.

"Sorry again." He says and silence falls between you both. You cough and he finally decides to break the silence. "Hey, you said you were studying right? I could make it up to you by helping you out, if you want."

You raise your eyebrows, suspicious. "Is this just a way to get into my apartment?"

He raises his hands up quickly, looking shocked. "No! I really do want to help! I feel bad!" He declares and you can't help but smile a little at his surprised expression.

"Well, I guess I could use a little help." You say and he sighs in relief, a grin breaking out across his face.

"Awesome, this will be the perfect chance to get to know each other. And if I do good, you have to reward me with at least a date." He says, his voice no longer shocked but peppy and joyful.

"I cannot believe you."

"What? I think it's a fair deal." Before he gives you a chance to respond, he grabs your hand tightly and starts leading you down the stairs to your apartment. You couldn't help but find his enthusiasm cute, despite your annoyance at him before.

You let him lead you, trying and failing to conceal the smile on your face. Sure, his methods of flirting may be... unique, but, in the end, who would say no to the local hot guy asking to help with your nightmare study session?

Sorry if this seems rushed, it feels kinda rushed

Anyways, school starts up soon and I want to die

That is all


Seventeen Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें