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Imagine for wonwoosfoxeyes

"Y/N, its really not that hard."

"Yeah, well I'm still not exactly confident about it."

You're talking with your friend in the ski lodge. She's trying to get you to start skiing but you haven't done it many times before. You don't feel ready to go on the big slope yet.

"You don't know unless you try." She says, smiling at you.

"Ugh." But you walk with her to the changing rooms to change into your ski stuff.

On the way you see a group of boys, about your age. Your friend nudges you.

"Wow, they are super cute! Don't see many cute guys around here."

"Eh." They don't look that great to you.

One of them catches your eye and smirks cockily at you. He winks and bites his lip, flirting. He had jet black hair and an annoying expression. You ignore him and walk away. You hear his laughter from behind.

You get changed into snow sits ready for skiing. The suits to big and you look like you've gained about 100 pounds. You realize how ridiculous you look and feel nervous about going back and facing that obnoxious boy again.

"Hey, Y/N? What's taking you so long?"

"Um. I don't really wanna do this."

Your friend knows what's wrong straight away.

"Listen, ignore him. He's an idiot. Actually he's worse than an idiot but I dont use that kind of language in public."

You laugh. You pick up your ski poles. You decide she's right and walk out into the main room of the lodge, where the boys were. You don't see them anywhere.

"Hey, girl! Suit looks a little big there."
You turn and see the boy from earlier standing over you. Of course his suit looks amazing on him. Why did he have to be so good looking?

"Leave me alone. I don't even know you." You mutter, not quite confident enough to meet his gaze.

"I'm Wonwoo. And you are cute." He winks at you again, looking completely full of himself.

"Actually, I'm Y/N and you're annoying!" You walk away and this time you don't hear any laughter. You smile to yourself.

You catch up to your friend and get in line for the ski lift. You hope to get a seat with your friend but she has to sit with someone else.

"Meet you up there, Y/N!"

You nod and wait for the next lift. When it arrives you get on and place your poles on your lap. Someone next in line to you joins you. They wear a hood, so you can't see their face. You lift takes off and you sit there in awkward silence.

"Hey there Cutie."

You turn your head toward the sound of the familiar voice. The person next to you takes off their good and, of course, it's Wonwoo. He smiles at you again but it doesn't seem cocky this time. More apologetic. But you can't keep the groan in.

"Hey, what did I do?"

You turn away and ignore him. You hear him sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have teased you. It was rude."

You turn back and look at him. You could tell that he was being sincere. You sigh in defeat.

"Well, luckily for you I can't hold a grudge to save my life."

He laughs. He has a nice laugh, you think. It makes him look even better your think.

"So, why do you hit on random girls at snow lodges then?"

"I wasn't really hitting on you. I don't know what I was doing really. I'm not usually like that I promise." His eyes seems to beg for you to trust him.

"I believe you. What brings you to the skiing lodge then?"

You both get to talking and you end up laughing a lot. He was really funny and you decide that you like him.

Unfortunately, the ride comes to an end. You get off and look down at the slope. You feel your heart in your throat and you feel your palms get sweaty. You really do not want to ski down there. You drop the poles in the snow in fear.

"Hey. Are you alright?"

You forgot than Wonwoo was there for a second.

"Um. Not really. I... Dont know how to ski very well and I've never been up this high."

"Don't worry. I'll help you." He whispers in your ear. He stands close behind you.

He picks up the poles and places them in your hands, standing directly in front of you. He starts to demonstrate what to do and you listen and watch closely, coping him.

"Ready now? We can go down together."

"Yeah, I think I can do it."

You both push of the slope and ski down at an incredibly fast rate. You hear his whooping in enjoyment and you laugh. The air rushes in your face and you feel so happy with yourself. But it soon ends and you both stand there breathing hard.

"That was amazing!" You yell and start laughing.

He suddenly pulls into a hug and squeezes you. He realises you and stares at the floor awkwardly.

"Uh, sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it."

He smiles at you and you both walk back into the lodge. You walk past your friend and she gapes at you and Wonwoo. You smile and wave to show its okay. You and him walk toward the changing rooms. When you both reach the corridor containing the rooms you realize its just the two of you. He turns to face you, standing close.

"Um, Y/N?"


"I feel really bad about earlier. And j want to make it up to you."

"Don't worry about it, you already did by helping me ski."

"Yeah, but I want to do something else to help."

"Wonwoo, its really okay."

"Oh, for crying out loud! I'm trying to ask you out."

You look at him, shocked. He seems to have gotten closer to you.


"I was using my behavior earlier as an excuse. Okay, bad excuse, I know. But I like you. Really like you. And I want to spend more time with you."

"Wonwoo.... Yes, yes I'll go out with you."

"Really?" He smiles almost cockily again.

"Then let's seal the deal." He says. He leans in and kisses you gently. The kiss goes on for a while so you gasp when he pulls back.

"Consider it sealed." You say, dizzily.

He laughs and you smile at him. His behavior from earlier is all but forgotten and you were eager to know the real him.

Just wait until you tell your friend all about it.

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