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Imagine for Treeofdoors and yeowangida6

"Jun, I'm bored." You say as straight as your boyfriend walks in through the door. He'd been doing fansigns all day and you'd been left to your own devices, which was not good. You nearly killed yourself cooking a microwaveable meal for lunch... Yeah it was that bad.

"Wow, it's nice to see you too." Jun glances at you and roles his eyes. For the fansign he'd been wearing Mansae school uniform. This morning when he left your apartment, his clothes had been perfect, but now his tie hung loosely around his neck and his shirt was untucked. He looked like one of the schools bad boys but you knew he was far from it.

"Well it's not my fault that you left me alone all day." You fake whine at him as he takes off his shoes by the door.

"It's not mine either." He finally gets his shoes off and walks over to you. He stands by the the sofa that you were sprawled across. He looks for space and you smirk at him.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" He pouts at you.

"On the floor?" You suggest, laughing.

"How about no?" He smirks and stands on the sofa arm. You smile falls away from your face.

"What are you doing? You're going to break the arm!" You sit up a little and stare at him.

"Well if your not going to make any room, I may as well make some myself."

"Wha-" he springs up from the arm and into the air, a scream leaves your mouth. He lands on top of you in a worrying manner. His head in your lap while he's lying on his stomach. The air's knocked out of your body.

"W-ha? Why?" You cough trying to take in as much oxygen as you could.

"Don't lie, you like this." He lifts his head from your lap and smiles up at you. You reach out and ruffle his hair.

"Maybe." You smile to yourself.

"Mhm," Jun sighs as you run your hands through his hair. Jun loves it when you do this.

"Anyway, this still doesn't solve anything. I'm still freaking bored." You groan and pull on his hair.

"Ow, Y/N." He lightly removes your hands from his head. He sits up and turns to face you. "So what do you want to do?"

"How am I supposed to know, that's why I asked you." You roll your eyes.

"Well, I've got plenty of ideas." He leans in while smirking. He kisses your jaw and trails kisses to your mouth.

"Not today, Jun. I just want to cuddle with you." You wrap your arms around his neck and he sighs, almost disappointed. "What? You don't want to cuddle with me?"

"O-of course I do!" He quickly covers up and scoots closer to you. "Do you just want to cuddle?" He asks.

"No, that's too boring. Maybe... We could watch a film and get pizza delivery?" You look at him questioningly.

He laughs anxiously. "Is this code for 'Netflix and Chill' or something?"

You grab a pillow and hit him over the head softly. "Grow up."

"Never!" He laughs as you hit him again. "Okay, okay, okay. What film do you want to watch?"

"Um... I really feel like watching a sad movie." You say to him and he raises an eyebrow.

"A sad movie? Are sure you won't cry? I can't deal with people crying, I'm really bad at comforting." He lifts his shoulders.

"I don't cry at films." You laugh.

"I bet you do." He challenges and you look at him in denial.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Fine let's make a deal... If I cry... I'll be your slave for the rest of the week. If you cry, you'll be my slave. If none of us cries you'll still be my slave because I still didn't cry." You try to explain carefully.

"That's a bit unfair but fine. I know you'll cry." He says blatantly.

"Deal?" You hold out your hand.

"Deal." He shakes it. "Now, what film shall we watch?"

"Marley and Me." You say straight away. You knew Jun had a weakness for dogs.

"Just great. I'm so excited."

"Now you go get changed into something comfy while I order pizza." You look at his fake school uniform and then to yourself in sweats.

He walks into the bedroom while you ring the pizza guy. The pizza place was only down the road so it won't take long. Once you'd ordered the pizza you grab the disc for Marley and Me and stick it in the DVD player. You were sitting on the sofa and scrolling through social medias when the door bell rang.

You hopped up to get the pizza. You swing the door open while taking money out of your purse.

"Pizza delivery." Says the middle aged man and you smile kindly. He passes you the boxes.

"Thank you-" you start but get cut off when Jun walks into the room.

"Y/N, do you know where my pj's are- oh shi-" he starts and runs back into the bedroom.

Your boyfriend had walked out only wearing boxers. You didn't mind but the face the pizza delivery guy was pulling begged to differ.

trying to hold your laughter in you hadn't him the money and apologised.

Once the delivery guy was gone Jun walks back out in his pj's, his face slightly red.

"I found them." He says quietly and you snort. He just glares at you.

"Okay, okay. Let's just watch the film." You both cuddle on the sofa, eating pizza, while watching the film.

You were halfway through. You'd seen this film so many times before that you knew when the sad bits were. You had to admit if this was your first time watching it you would have cried and lost the bet. Good thing it wasn't.

You got distracted from the film when you heard a sniffle coming from Jun. Surely he can't be-

"You're crying!" You suddenly crouch beside him. "I knew it! I knew I wouldn't lose!" You start rubbing it in his face.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm crying. I didn't expect it to be that sad!" He wipes his eyes.

"You know what this means, right?" You smirk and wrap your arms around his neck. "You're my slave for the week."

"Hmm. I figured." He rolls his eyes, but then catches how close you were to him. His eyes immediately latch onto your lips. "S-so... What do you want me to do?"

"Mmm. Let me think." You take your time to annoy him. "How about you kiss me like you love me."

"Well that's not going to be hard. I love you anyway." He leans in and smashes his lips to yours. You stay there for a couple of seconds until you both pull out for air.

"You know, I could get used to this." He says and leans into to kiss you again.


It's like midnight

~ Ffion

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