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Imagine for Sheniall13

Welp, I guess Jeonghan is my bias now^

You wake up to the sound of your baby crying.

You groan out loud and roll over, feeling the empty space next to you. Your husband, Jeonghan, was still out practicing.

You get out of bed, rubbing your eyes and making your way to the baby's room, down the hall. You see your baby in her cot, crying loudly. You hover over the cot and pick her up, cooing and shushing.

"Shush now. Mummy wants sleep." You mumble, rocking her slowly.

You close your eyes and, for the millionth time, wish that Jeonghan was here.

You'd both married young, but you only did because you knew you were pregnant. Jeonghan had been over the moon, eager to start a family and a life with you. You had been happy too, at first, but Jeonghan had been hardly around once the baby once born. He was working hard to keep the fans supportive and the group alive. He was still happy though, and you weren't going to burst his bubble, even as you felt yourself getting more tired by passing day and you felt your relationship with him slowly deteriorating.

The baby finally calms down, sinking back into a peaceful sleep. You shake yourself out of your thoughts and gently kiss her tiny forehead before lowering her back into her cot.

You made your way back into your bed and lay down, staring up at the ceiling. You glance at the clock on your beside table. It was 3:46AM and you still hadn't heard anything from Jeonghan. You sigh, close your eyes and go back to sleep.


Light shines through the window beside your bed and you slowly open your eyes. You immediately become aware of Jeonghan sleeping beside you, his breathing slow and even. You automatically smile at the sight of his peaceful expression and you brush a piece of his dark hair out of his face.

Suddenly, his hand moves and catches yours. He links your fingers with his and opens his eyes, smiling at you.

"Hi." He says, his voice still heavy with sleep.

"Hey." You reply, smiling back. All the worry and the bitterness from early had completely disappeared at the sight of him.

"Is she okay?" He asks, referring to the baby. You nod, your mood slightly dampening.

"Did she cry at all last night?"


He sighs and wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. He closes his eyes again and slowly falls back asleep. His arms let go of you as he sleeps and you lie there, watching him.

The moment was cut short by the baby crying yet again. Jeonghan pulls a face and buries his face back into the pillow, not making any move to get out of bed. You sigh and get up, heading towards the baby to comfort her.

You sit in the baby's room for a while, changing and feeding her. Eventually, you hear Jeonghan changing in your bedroom. He walks past the room you're sitting in and looks in with a smile on his face.

"Hey there." He says, grinning at the baby in your arms. He tip toes over and kisses the baby's forehead delicately.

"Are you going somewhere?" You ask him. He looks up at you for a moment before looking back down at the child.

He hesitates before answering. "Yeah. I'm going to practice." He replies quietly.

"Already?" You ask, the words barely audible. You stare at him, unable to believe it. "I thought it was your turn to look after her today."

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