Chapter 22 My player of a Mate

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My heart chattered into a million pieces. '

Sky cried and howled.

 My chest started flaring up.

Our world was shattered. 

Sky was pissed off our mate was cheating on us right in front of our eyes.

"Lets kill that fucking bitch let me at her I will kill her fuck it fuck her I don't care if I kill her it will be the best thing I do "Sky yelled.

"Sky trust me so do I but think about our family we will be putting them In danger "

"When we fucking leave here I will beat the shit our of her"She snapped

"Ok I promise"

"Good now lets hurry up and get out of here he makes me feel sick looking at him"


I shook my head and followed my brothers to the office and got my schedule I would be needing for the rest of the school year which included of less than 2 weeks than we get summer vacation.

I was shown around by my brothers than we went back to the motel. 

We packed all of the stuff into the cars and we were off to our new home for god only knows how long that would be. I hate this pace already.

Here I was thinking if I found my mate my life would be so nice and simple I could live happily ever after well I can tell you now it aint going to happen.

The boys however decided to show me around town and take me out to lunch, After that I decided I would go get Hayden as it was getting closer to 4 .

When we arrived at the pack house it was nice but it was no where as good as ours. Apparently we would be living in the Alphas residents where all of the heads of the pack live.

 Nick says it's the safest place for me to be with the kids. 

The Alphas house was about I would say about 10 yards away from the pack house.It was a nice big 3 storey house.

I walked inside and smelt the smell. Shit he lives here.

"This is not going to be good "Sky said

"I Know"

I followed the boys who were currently carrying mine and the kids' stuff up our room.

"We thought it would be best if you stay in the same room as the kids ??" Nick asked

"Well you though right "

"Great so this your new room "He added opening the door I walked in the room was an average sized room it had a big bed in the middle With fresh new sheets on it. I had my own bathroom and wardrobe and draws as well..

They left me alone with kids and told me they would be back in the hour to get me and the kids for dinner ..

I started unpacking everything I left my gun in my bed side table. An all the other stuff in my go bag. Which had fake passports money the whole shaman in case we had to get outs here fast.

When we had finished unpacking I laid on the bed with kids. Telling them stories. Now this would usually cheer me up.

 But it couldn't I feel like nothing like I was just ripped to shreds by one the person that is supposed to love me forever. 

To be honest the only thing stopping me from screaming and crying right now is the kids.

 I can feel myself growing weaker by not letting Sky take any of the pain as soon as I saw him kissing somebody else pains shot through Sky so I took all of the pain away and are currently trying to fight of tears that a brewing in my eyes.

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