Chapter 35 No escape

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Hey guys almost finshed only a few more chapters remain.

Then the SEQUEL...'

HAPPY NEW YEARS  sorry its short




Kates Pov.

2 Days later..

"KATE PUT THE DRESS ON"Zayn yelled through the door.

"FUCK YOU "I spat.

"With pleasure baby but tomorrow night NOW PUT THE DRESS ON "

"NO "I yelled.I looked at the white long dress that i was to wear on the night he marks me.Yeah right that is going to happen.


"NO "With that he groaned and next minute he kicks the fucking door in.And behind door number 1 we have a very pissed of Alpha.He grabbed me by my waist and started kissing my neck .Ewwwwwwww gross. 

2 days and still no rescue team has come no body has even tried.They most likely think im dead hell i am meant to be but Sky said that because of the moon on that night it gave me strength but made us weak at the same time.

So yeah i dont really no what the hell happened all is i know is this ..

______flash BACK ---------------------------

 I woke up in a cell with silver chains around my wrists and ankles.I started to panic. Oh shit shit shit.

Where the fuck am i ??


No reply 


I stopped moving when i heard silent little sobs coming from beside me in the next cell.I looked harder there was a girl about 14 or 15.

"Hey are you ok?? my name is Kate Midnight whats yours ???"

"Elizabeth Black "Holly shit Cole Black little sister.

Their pack was one of the most strongest packs in the world.Not to mention her brother he is scary and viscous Alpha alive,I remember meeting him once to help track down the rouges that killed his granddad and father.But we lost track of them i will never knew or found out if they did find them. 

"How the hell did they get you ??"

"The same way they got you Kate Midnight,They used our trust and Loyalties against us to break us "

"How long have i been out ?"

"A few hours you looked terrible until they brought a doctor into help you.There was blood everywhere and you kept on shaking.They said your mate marked another without rejecting you is that true ??"I nodded and she gasped in shock.

"Why are you here ??"

"Because of my brother of how strong he is they reckon we have strong blood like your family they want me to mate the Beta on the same night yoou mate their Alpha"

"When are we suppose to be getting mated to them??"

"3 days well 2 now "

"FUCK"I smashed my self against the bars the silver digging into my skin burning me alive but i didnt give a shit.

"Kate why ??"

"I get my full powers in 3 days at midnight thats when they will mark and mate me because i wont be able to stop him.If he marks me that night he will get some power from me but only if i change into my wolf .He will then be able to Challenge my brother for my pack "

"Oh my lord"

"Their is something else if i have his pups he will raise them to be pure evil they will try and take over the werewolf race'

'Kate how do you know this ??"

"Because i could hear them talking about it on the helicopter ride here."

"Kate we have to get out of here "

"I know "


Me an Elizabeth have been together most of the time as the assholes go and get the "Mating ceremony'Shit sorted.

We have become close like sisters and i could call her one of my closet friends now.I have only known her for what 2 days and i already feel we have known each other forever.For some weird reaason i have and eruge to protect her,When ever she is endanger,To give her hugs when she is upset.It could just be my Luna instincts taking over but some how it feels different.

I was brought out of my thoughts when He started sucking on one spot on my neck.It felt good but then you know me i just lifted my leg up to wreck the so called moment.

"WHAT THE FUCK KATE"Zayn groaned grabbing his balls..

"I didn't want you to mark me by accident"I said innocently.His face some how softened.He stood up and walked over to me and hugged.

"I'm sorry Kate"He softly said I nodded.

"Can Elizabeth please come and stay the night with me ??"

"If you will put the dress on and if you can persuade her to put hers on to then yes we can have like a sleep over "

"YAY Wait WE"I questioned.

"Yes we will be sleeping in the same bed or couch.You will be falling asleep in my arms tonight"He smirked.

This is just fucken perfect its just amazing now we wont be able to talk about our escape and when we are going to do  it.

Zayn already showed me what would happen if i tried escaping he showed me where all of the watch houses were and said their were also secret ones.This place was like Alcatraz.Security cameras,Watch dogs,Guards,Motions sensors,Alarms that go off when people breech the perimeter.

"'Her and Bruce are coming now."He interrupted my depressing thoughts of never getting out of here. 

A few moments later their was a knock at the door. Zayn went over and let them in and he gave Bruce a "bro hug "While Elizabeth walked over to me with a disgusted look when she passed them and was carrying a dress on a coat hanger.



"Stop being so dramatic" They breathed out

"FUCK YO-"Elizabeth yelled

"YEAH ITS NOT LIKE YOU ARE MATING SOMEBODY YOU DONT WANT TOO IS IT ??"I screamed.I watched as Zayns eyes turnt black.He stormed over to where Me and Elizabeth were and raised his hand to hit Elizabeth when i jumped in front of her and caught his slap which sent me flying to the ground.

"Kate"Elizabeth screamed.She dropped to her knees and bent down to me.


"They can try Lizzy "

Thats when the thought came to me.

Their really was no escape......................

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