Chapter 27 Dying slowly

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The book is coming too a close end guys not to many more they are going to be mostly cliff hanger so sorry .Guys the next chapter i must warn are going to be heart breaking for you so grab some tissues and get ready its gonna be a hell of a ending ..


"AXEL GET HER BACK TO OUR LANDS NOW "Pearl yelled loudly I could hear Daisy screaming and Hayden yelling my name.I tried opening my eyes to find them tell them to stay strong but all i seen was a blur.

"What the hell happen ??"Luke yelled

I felt my body start to ache.I started screaming in agony.

"AXEL GET HER OUT OF HERE NOW "Pearl screamed.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my body and pull me up off the ground.

"Get her out of here now and to the pack doctor now "Pearl ordered.

I was passed into another arms then i heard clothes ripping and a large snarl,i was placed onto the furry back i held on to his fur and took the pain out on his fur....

Until i blacked out .......................

I dont really remember that much about it ae all i remember was it hurting loads 


Last day of summer

"Catch it Hayden "Hayden smiled and ran and caught and started running towards the post at then it was touch down.

Today we were at the Lake with Axel and his friends playing a game of football.I looked to my right and saw Zara and Violet playing with Daisy in the water.We were all out here having some fun as we hadn't had any in awhile.Plus it was our last day so we thought what hell lets have some fun.

Violet still struggles everyday with not having her mate.Trust me when i say its not easy seeing your mate the one that is meant to love you till the end of life be sucking the face out of another women right in front of your eyes.It literally smashes your heart to smithereens.

Rex Axels beta seems to have feelings towards Violet because whenever she is crying he will be there to pick her up and stop her from crying straight away.

 Axel still  has no clue about me and Luke because in all honesty if he did Luke would be dead right now .Axel just thinks its my nightmares that keep me up at night but it is indeed not the nightmares most nights it is mainly Luke that keeps me up at night.

 My family is yet to contact me but they have been busy according to Axel.

Axel has grown extremely protective of me in the past 3 weeks.He never leaves my side unless he has a pack emergency.Even then he will leave his head warrior here to stay with me and the kids.

We spent the rest of the day at the Lake enjoying our time together..........

_______________Later that Night_______________________________________

"Kate wake up"I was been shoo ken awake by Axel.

"What is it ??"I asked worryingly 

"Rouges have been spotted on my land for the second time so me and the other Alphas are  going to go hunt them down okay i will be back as soon as i can okay"

"Axel let me help"

"Kate you are safer here"


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