Chapter 38 Fighting Dirty

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Thanks Sophia


Kate's Pov

I ran as fast as i could toward the cliffs.I was pushing myself to my limits.Trying to get their as fast as i could.I will not Lose my Family to these scum bags.I will not let anyone else die for me .Today is the day when i put a stop to all of this shit.

Today is the day this is all stops today is  the day they die or i die ..

As i reached the cliffs i smelt the most beautiful-est scent.Of freshly cut wood and The freshly harvest Coconuts.I looked down from the top of the hill and saw my family and friends all gathered on one side and Zayn,His father and their men were on the other.

Why arent they fighting ??

Oh yeah they cant because they wont go onto his territory cause they will get in trouble and potentially lose their packs.Thats fucken typical.

Then i seen a little brown pup in the middle barking.

Oh no


I ran and shifted into My white wolf and sprinted as fast as i could down to where they were.Before i left  the cover of the bushes i sat there and watched to see if anyone else was going to step in.I was about to stop when that magnificent smell flew up my nose again.

Sky was happy for the first time in what 6 months.

Mate Mate Mate "She chanted

"Lucas is here Sky"

"I know but he is not our mate "

"Who is then??"

"You will find -SAVE PUP SAVE PUP SAVE MY PUP KATE"She went from being completely happy to crying pleading at me to save her pup.

I will.

I watched as Zayn raised his hand i watched everyone turn into away so they wouldn't watch. Thats when the thunder struck i took it as my sign to go Zayn was distracted so I took the chance and sprinted out of the bushes and straight for my pup.

I got there just in time to catch the hit for Zoe.It sent me flying to the ground.I got back and he lunged for me.I barked at Zoe to run and she did.

Straight to Cole who i saw was shaking getting ready to attack he was being held down by his friends.I brought myself back to fighting mode.

Kate pull your shit together i told my self.

Zayn dug his claws in to my shoulders and i Whimpered in pain as reflex i swiped my paw around and scratched his face.

He then lunged on top off me .

He got his canines ready and i knew he was going to mark me he lowered his head and i sat their laying completely submissive.

He growled in his approval.I could hear Cole growling in the back ground 

This is it Kate the End .


When he was about to mark me i got my canines out and sunk them deep into his shoulders.He howled and let go off me.

He got off of me quicker than a cheater and stood back up in fighting stance and i did the exact same thing.But what the coward did next was unbelievable....

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