Chapter 25 Football game

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4 weeks later ....

Four weeks of hell that's all that it has been here.I feel so alone.My Pack is busy and i have only heard from them twice since we got here.I miss them.I want to go home,My brother have tried contacting me but i shut them down when ever they try.

Sky cries every night for Tobasis which is Luke's wolf.He usually whimpers Back.Then Luke yells at him and says that they dont need us they need somebody strong and powerful.

Only if he knew.

I have been working a lot lately.But have managed to get most of the summer off.As summer break starts tomorrow.

Today was the last day of school so that was good i dont have to see Caroline and my Mate sucking the life out of each other every single day right in front of my eyes and have to run off to the bathroom cry or puke.

However today being the last day of school was pretty boring we didn't really do anything at all.So i got out of final period early picked the kids up and went to work.

5 hours i had been working for and it was finally home time my favorite time of the day. Dont get me wrong i love working for Molly and Alfred but it gets tiring after a day of school,Then 4 to 5 hours of work then when i get home i have got homework,house work,The kids homework and on top of all of that i have to run at least 4 km everyday in my human form to keep in shape.

My life is pretty full on but what can i say.It keeps my mind off Him.All of the flaws in my life.I dont have time to worry about him or nothing.

I went out to the back room and started packing up all of the kids stuff in their bags.I had daisy in her carrier and Hayden and Zoe running aorund taking the piss out of each other as we walked through the kitchen and out to the front

"Guys what do you say "

"BYE ALFE BYE MOLLY "Hayden yelled

"Bye Kids Bye Kate Have a good night "They yelled

"If you need anything call see yas "I yelled.

We were walking through the front door when i ran into somebody.

"Ops im sorry---"

"You always where a cluts weren't you sunshine ??"

I looked up to the man i had ran into.But it couldn't be.

"Axel"I breathed out.

Axel was the leader of another A.L.T.Our teams were regularly joined if the job was going to be big or not .

"I missed you sunshine "

"I have missed you too"

"Of coarse who wouldn't miss me im that lovable"

Another thing he is cocky and has a smart ass reply to everything.

"What are you doing here ??"

"Football game It tradition always stop to get a donuts before one "

"No what are you doing on this territory ??"

"I have got permission and i am in the neighboring Alpha with a treaty with this pack so i can come an go as i please as long as it is no where near the Alpha or pack houses without permission from them but anywhere else i am free to go as i please"He replied

"Oh right'

"You going to come watch me kick your Alphas ass??"

"HE is not my Alpha "I quickly reply.

"I know he is not I'm just having you on "He chuckeled

"AXELL"Hayden yellled to the top of his lungs.

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