Chapter 1

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Sophia Parker has worked as a personal assistant to Adam Wilson for almost 2 years. She has acknowledged the fact that he will never notice her... as a woman. The best she can do is fight the attraction she feels for him, which is impossible because they work together closely every day!

Little does she know that Mr. Wilson is also fighting this same attraction as well...

Characters might be infuriating and events will occur which readers might not be pleased with. You need a lot of resilience and patience to read this book.


Sophia Parker

I walked into my tiny office on Monday morning and did the usual. I placed my handbag on top of my desk, switched on my computer, and got out Mr Wilsons diary for the day.  Checking my watch, I saw the time was 7:53am which meant that he would be expecting his cup of coffee in exactly 7 minutes.

I looked through the blinds that separated his office from mine and surely, he was there. He was taking off his jacket which meant he also just arrived. I couldn't help but watch the way his muscles flex underneath his shirt as he removed his jacket slowly and so...

Stop it Sophia! Its way too early for this!

I scolded myself.

I quickly went into the kitchen on our floor and started grinding his coffee beans. I prepared a large super fine ground cup of espresso, just the way he liked it. Taking the cup, I walked over to the huge doors of his office and knocked on it. 

I opened the door when I heard his deep voice call out for me to "Come in."

Mr Wilson was already sitting at his desk working on his computer, not even bothering to look up to see who came in. He knew it was me anyway. This was a normal ritual for us at exactly 8:00am every weekday. I walked towards him and dropped the cup on his desk beside him, that's when he looked up to me with those piercing blue eyes.

I've always wanted to get lost in the depth of those eyes. I close my eyes imagining it for a second until I heard him say... 

"Miss Parker, are you okay?"

I immediately snapped right out of my trance. Did I just daydream of my boss' perfect eyes right in front of him?

Way to go Sophia!

"Yes, I'm so sorry sir." I said to him, but he didn't look convinced. "It's just that... I had a really rough night, that's all." I lied hopelessly.

"You didn't get enough sleep?" He asked as finally took his eyes off me and sipped some of his coffee.

"No." I looked down. 

That part was actually true, I didn't get enough sleep last night. And guess who the culprit was... 

HIM of course!

I spent half of my night thinking about him, wondering what it would be like to be in his arms for once. Working for him has been the most difficult job ever, especially with these crazy feelings that I've developed for him over time.

Anytime I hear that deep masculine voice of his, my heart beats so fast it feels like its going to jump right out of my chest and fall straight into his hands.

Sometimes we work together so closely I just want to scream out of frustration because deep down, part of me just wants him to take me into his arms and-

"That isn't good for your health Miss Parker, especially when you have work the next day and have to be in the office by 8:00am. What's keeping you up all night?"

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