Chapter 38

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Adam Wilson

"I completely understand George and we are doing everything in our power to fix this." I tried to reassure the man on the phone but he was fuming.

"Remember, I gave you till Friday. You have one day left. If I don't have it by then, then you will be hearing from my lawyers." He said before ending the call abruptly.

"Oh fuck off!" I shouted in frustration as I threw my phone across the room and it shattered into pieces.

That wasn't smart because now I needed to call Craig.

This was all his bloody fault in the first place! I'm going to have a record of conversation with him first thing tomorrow when I get into the office.

I was currently in the study of my apartment at 740 Park. Sophia and I spent our first night here. I was patiently waiting for her to arrive before I was disturbed with that phone call.

Using the telephone on my desk in front of me, I dialed the engineering department at work and transferred to Craig's office.

"Hello Adam."

"Don't Hello me! Have you figured something out already?!"

"Yes, I can assure you it would be ready tonight. I'm on top of it. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I will also send a hardcopy over to Sytner's Michigan office tomorrow morning."

I sighed with relief.

"That's exactly what I want to hear. I am counting on you seriously. I wouldn't check up on you after this because I will be occupied with other important tasks this evening."

"Tasks? You mean Sophia?" He jested.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Wow. I can't believe you just called her a task."

"I'm hanging up."


"What?!" I screamed.

"Have fun doing your task tonight." He said mischievously.

"You fucking animal." I seethed at his audacity.

I heard his faint laughter just before he ended the call.

What a prick!

I could smash the telephone on my desk as well... but I won't. I need to be alerted when Sophia arrives.

I don't know why but his comment filled me with so much rage!

I swear to god I am sick and tired of everyone teasing me about Sophia! No one ever realizes how fucking serious I am about this girl!

I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath, clearing my head from all the anger.

The only way to make all this nonsense stop is by coming out with her to the press. That way our relationship will be public knowledge and we won't need to sneak around anymore. No more secrets and everyone who knows about us can finally leave me the fuck alone.

But then, putting her in the spotlight may not be the best idea. In a few weeks, everyone would know about her pregnancy and I didn't want to put her in a situation where every magazine would talk about her and people would judge her just because we aren't married... yet.

I mean... I know for sure that I am going to marry her. That's a no brainer.

I just needed the approval of her parents. I had to prove to them that my intentions with Sophia are real and I'm not marrying her for the sake of the pregnancy. I actually love this girl.

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