Chapter 27

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Adam Wilson

After taking a few breaths to cool down, I heard the doorbell ring.

This is it.

I opened the door

...and there she stood.

Looking effortlessly beautiful.

Whatever dusky feelings I had before died out instantly because she seemed to light up my entire world easily.

She looked up at me and I felt a blast of warmth pour over me.

I was so glad that she was here. I don't know what it was, but there was a certain magic in her presence. All I wanted to do was be near her, hold her till the very end and never let her go.

She was dressed very casually in an oversized knitwear, blue jeans, and boots. But still she looked amazing. Heck! Everything about her was amazing.

"Come in." I finally said after my long mental appraisal of her.

I moved to the side for her to walk in and when she did, I caught a whiff of her scent. It was probably her hair conditioner because she smelt like a delicious apple...

Ripe, plump, and ready for plucking.

"What brings you here?" I said, getting my thoughts out of the gutter.

She was definitely here for something seeing that she had an envelope in her hand. It must be something official.

"I'm here to uh... get my documents signed." She said nervously as she fiddled with the envelope.

I stared at her confusedly. The idiot that I am had thought she was here to apologize for everything, or her hasty decision to leave... or maybe even ask for her job back.

On the contrary, she just couldn't wait to leave and have me out of her life forever. Showing up at my house by 9pm on a Friday just to get her documents signed was enough desperation. She couldn't even wait till Monday! Or perhaps tomorrow?!

"Couldn't this wait at least until tomorrow?" I folded my arms and widened my stance in annoyance. This was just unbelievable.

"No." She looked down, her hair partially hiding her face.

"Are you really that eager to leave?"

She didn't say anything.

"I guess silence speaks depths when words cannot."

That's when she looked up at me. Her eyes filled with an expression that I could not quite read but I'm sure she wasn't regretting this. There was no point anymore. If this is what she really wanted then she'll have it.

"Come with me. Let's get this over with." I said and began to make my way to the study. She followed behind me.

A thick awkward silence fell between us as we got to the study, I took a seat at my huge black desk and she sat on the other side. She pushed the documents to me and I collected them.

I skimmed through it, checking all the important information. I got out a stamp and a pen to put my signature in any place where it was required. I took me about ten minutes before I finished going through the bulky document.

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