Chapter 31

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Adam Wilson

"He's going to kill us! I'm telling you, Adam! He will!" She paced up and down.

"No he won't." I held her in one place, trying to calm her down.

"You don't understand!" She cried and wiped the tears from her eyes.

I grabbed her shoulders.

"Look at me Sophia." She did. "Yes, your dad may be mad at us but he's not going to kill us. Trust me."

It was the simple truth. This whole thing might be scandalous but Bruce was not going to kill his own daughter because she had sex!

"I'll be in so much trouble when you leave." She held onto me like her life depended on it.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. I'll take you with me if I have to." I soothed her.

She only continued wailing on my chest. My shirt was completely soaked with tears. I felt bad for not feeling as guilty as she was.

"We have to go out there now." I said.

"No! I don't think I can face him. Not yet."

"Sophia, he wants to speak to us and he's out there waiting."

"Adam you don't understand!" She sniffed.

"Then help me understand. Why are you so scared because of what happened? You're a grown woman and you're free to make your own choices."

"No Adam, it's not like that with my parents. They're strict, I can't just do whatever I want." She shook her head.

"That sounds crazy to me. Your not a little girl anymore. They shouldn't treat you like one."

"No, it's not about that! I just fell below the standard of my parents!" She screamed.


A knock on the door interrupted us.

Sophia and I quickly dispatched from each other and Mrs Parker came in.

"Sophia, your dad is fuming. He would like to speak with the two of you now." She herself looked terrified about what was about to happen and I could see on her face that she felt bad for us.

"Yes, we're aware. Come on Sophia, let's go." I held her hand supportively. After a few hesitations from Sophia, we finally went to living room.

"Whatever you do, don't lie to him." She whispered to me on the way out.


I led her quietly to the couch and I sat beside her protectively. We both faced her parents who sat on the opposite.

Her mum looked worried. Worried of what Bruce was going to do because he was fuming. I could see him struggling to contain himself.

"Sophia, tell me this is not true. Im sure there has to be a misunderstanding somewhere... or did he force you?" Her mum asked.


I was stunned by her accusation.

"No ma. He didn't force me." Sophia said, shaking her head. All the while her eyes were cast down on the floor.

I couldn't take offense to her mum's false proposal. Initially, Sophia didn't want to do it. I'd dragged her to the bedroom and demanded she get on the bed. In retrospect, I DID force her.

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