Chapter 42

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Sophia Parker

"Trust me, this coffee machine is the best! I've never had such good coffee in my entire life."

"Okay, okay, give it a try." I laughed.

"By the way, how was your parents' visit to New York?" Lily asked.

She'd insisted I come over and try out her brand new coffee machine. Being in her new apartment made me a bit nostalgic. I definitely missed living here. Phoebe moved in from her old apartment which used to be on the top floor. And to be fair, she'd done a better job with the place than I did.

"Ugh! It was a disaster!" I groaned as I put my hands over my face and sat at my old kitchen island.

"Really, it couldn't have been THAT bad." She placed the fresh cup of coffee she'd just made in front of me. It actually smelled heavenly.

"Thank you. And yeah, maybe I am over exaggerating a little bit. Overall it wasn't too bad... but at first it was. Adam had a little confrontation with my father." I took a sip of the warm beverage. "Wow, you're right. This home-made mocha tastes really good!"

"I know right! I told you this coffee machine is perfect." She chimed. "But what happened between him and your dad?"

We both laughed because we were having to separate conversations at the same time. Coffee and my parents visit. We decided to park one for now.

"Let's just say, my dad is not over that whole incident that happened in Virginia."

"Wow, how long is he going to hold that against the both of you?"

"I don't know... But in the last few days he was here, he definitely eased up. Eventually, he realized that there was nothing that he could do about it. What's done is done."

"Exactly! It's time to move on. I mean, there's a baby on the way for heaven's sake." She said.


"Oh! I'm not expecting anyone... and I don't remember ordering anything." Lily said suspiciously as her doorbell rang.

"Actually... I know who it is." I said.

"How?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I kind of... invited Phoebe over." I said carefully, anticipating her reaction. Surprisingly, it wasn't negative at all. I got laughter from her instead.

"Right, you're funny." Lily waved me off. "Seriously, who is it?"

I could see from her face, she didn't want to believe that I had the guts to invite Phoebe over to her place without telling her. But this whole thing had to be squashed and I needed to get them both together in a room to do that.

"I'm serious. And I'm going to let her in. She has something important to say to you."

"Sophia." She looked at me seriously. "That girl hates you. Don't tell me you completely let her back into your life."

"Please Lily, I've already forgiven her and so should you. Technically, you don't really have a reason to dislike her because she never did anything directly to you."

"Whatever. I was only defending you, but now, I could care less anyway." She waved me off again, very dismissively.

I ignored her and went to open the door for Phoebe. She had her famous cookies in her hands, the one she bakes when she's about to call a truce. And they smelled absolutely delicious as always!

"Hi." She smiled weakly.

"Hey Phoebe, I'm so glad you came." I hugged her firmly. As much as what happened between us was unpleasant, she was the main reason that Adam and I are together. She helped me come to terms with my feelings for him and realize why we needed to be together. And I will be forever grateful for that.

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