Chapter 24

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Adam Wilson

"Flowers, chocolates, teddy bears... there's nothing that I haven't given her! Yet she still doesn't approve of me."

"Why do you need her approval?" The shrink asked. I wonder how he is a shrink if he does nothing else but asks stupid questions.

"Because she is the woman I love!!! Wouldn't you want the approval of someone you love?!" I snapped angrily at him.

The only reason why I was here in the first place was because of Mason. He ensured that I seek therapy because of my smoking and relationship problems with Sophia but I'm not sure this is working.

"Calm down Adam, I can see you're frustrated because of Sophia's rejection and your lack of nicotine for the past few hours."

"Then don't ask foolish questions."

"I asked for a reason. Just take a deep breath and try to answer the question, why do you seek the approval of Sophia?"

Ugh! I would have beat up this guy right on the spot. But I'm trying to change... for Sophia.

"Because it hurts that she doesn't like me and wants nothing to do with me. It hurts to see her with another man. What I want is for her to like ME and be with ME. I want her love, not her hatred."

He was jotting down god knows what as I was talking. I hope this session is useful because this is the first and the last.

"Do you know why she rejects you?"

"Of course. Sophia was causing me so much trouble and pain that I decided to get away from her. That lasted for a short while before I came flying back to her just like an elastic band."

"Hmmm, the elastic band theory. Go on."

"She was heartbroken because just before I left, she had wanted me. But I rejected her. I got back in time just to catch her resigning from the company. I had to compromise a reason to make her stay and that's what's happening. However, each passing day she avoids me at all cost. Even after all the gifts, she never reduced her hostility towards me. And worst of all, she has a man in her life. And this man and I are good friends. I feel totally betrayed."

"It sounds like she doesn't love you anymore."

"No. That's what she tries to believe." I laughed. "But we both know that she's wrong. Somewhere in that little heart of hers, she still feels strongly for me. From time, she has always tried to hide her emotions. That's because she doesn't approve of me. If she does, I'm sure she would have given herself totally to me because she loves me deeply." I said with confidence. "I'm madly and deeply in love with her. And I'm never giving up on her like before."

"Maybe it's not about flowers or chocolates. Maybe she wants something more."

"Oh no. I don't think so. If I touch her she won't be happy. Although she may respond... I don't want to take advantage of her."

"No Adam. That's not what I meant. You need to show her that you're a man and you're willing to go the extra mile for her. After all that you've told me, I'm sure she's terrified that you only just want to sleep with her. Show her that you care for her too."

"But I do want to sleep with her though." I whined.

"Let her know that you have other intentions. On that note, this session has come to an end."

Thank god. I need a smoke break.

"Congratulations. We would meet same time next week and then you would tell me about any developments with Sophia."

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