Chapter 16

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Adam Wilson

I looked at the résumé in front of me skimming through it for the important details.

- University of Virginia
- First Class
- Business Administration and Management
- 21 years old

Wow, 21 and already a graduate! Impressive.

I looked at her picture and she did look young. Her CV was notable and I instantly wanted to meet her. I dialed my secretary immediately.

"Alice, send in the applicant." I said.

"Okay sir."

I looked at her work experience and I was grabbed. She was so young yet she had worked in two places already.

Moments later there was a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I said and the door opened. It was her. I quickly checked the name on the CV.

'Sophia Parker'

"Hello Miss Parker, have a seat." I pointed at one directly in front of me. I was seated at the coffee table at the corner of my office, I don't like conducting interviews at my desk.

"Thank you sir." She came over and sat down on the seat opposite mine. She looked even younger in person, and very pretty I must add. She was wearing a grey suit with her hair neatly tied back, looking very formal but I could tell this wasn't her disposition. Her face had a youthful ring to it and she appeared out of her element.

"So, you're a graduate at 21 and you finished among the top four with a first class degree." I went straight to the point.

"Yes sir. I had a number of promotions during high school." She said confidently.

"When did you graduate?"

"4 months ago."

"From your CV, I can see that you've had two jobs previously. Tell me about them." I leaned back in my chair a bit.

"Okay. My first job was a summer internship at BearingPoint. I worked for three months after my first year in college. I was trained in preparing reports and other materials for executives, arranging business travel, taking notes at meetings, and screening callers and visitors. My second job was at my university. I was an Assistant Secretary to the PA to members of the Senior Management Team. My central role was a point of contact for staff and others interacting with the SMT..."

She kept going on and about the bosses at her previous jobs and the environment, but I had stopped listening. I watched her as she talked to me. Her hands gesticulating lightly, and her pink lips moving softly. Something about her made me upbeat. I felt my heartwarming towards the thought of having her as my personal assistant. I don't know why but I was convinced she would do a good job. Her voice was rosy and she sounded like an angel.

I hadn't noticed she had finished talking until she cleared her throat.

"Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've ever faced at work, and how you dealt with it." I threw the question at her not really caring about her answer, I just wanted her to keep talking to me.

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