Chapter 39

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Adam Wilson

"I'm very nervous! I need you to help me."

"There's only so much I can do Adam. I can't be there with you."

"At least you could prep me so I don't say the wrong things."

"I'm not sure I can do that... I don't know the personality of her parents so I can't adequately prepare you for an encounter with them."

"Then you're bloody useless!!!" I stood up and screamed at the shrink. "After today, your services will no longer be needed!"

I felt like I was wasting my money! I pay every hour for this man to advice me but all he does is tell me complete and utter nonsense. He's so incompetent! I'm going to get Mason to replace him.

"Adam? Before you lash out, take a deep breath. There are other ways to deal with this."

"No! There's no other way. I'm going to fuck this up and you're not willing to help."

"I am trying to help you but you're panicking."

He was right, I was panicking. I really didn't mean what I had just said to the shrink. Later this week, I'll be meeting with Sophia's parents and I was worried as hell.

"I'm going to fuck this up. I can just tell. It's too good to be true. Sophia and I can never be happy together." I paced around the room.

"Listen to me Adam, it's normal to have situational panic attacks, but you need to stay positive. You are in a very good place with Sophia right now, don't ruin it by overthinking."

"I know we're in a good position, but soon enough I'm going to mess things up. I can feel it." I ran my hands through my hair frustratedly.

"No, you're not. Here's a piece of advice from me. Always listen attentively to her parents. Respectfully reassure them that you are in love with Sophia. Tell them that you would like for them to be part of your journey with her. Show them that you deeply care about her and the baby, and everything will be okay."

That didn't sound so hard to do. But I didn't know if I could pull it off to her parents.

"I shouldn't have a problem doing all of those things but still, it wouldn't make a difference. It's my bad behaviour that always puts me in trouble. The last time I saw them, I had made a huge mistake. What I did was completely out of order and disrespectful. When I see them, the first thing her dad's going to do is attack me for the pregnancy. To them, I will always look like the bad guy. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a setup. There's no way they're pleased with me or want to give me a second chance..."

"If that's how they feel then I guess you need to change their mind about your intentions towards her. It sounds to me that they are reserved about whether you actually love her. It might take a while to make this change. Maybe a couple of weeks..."

"I can't wait a couple of weeks! Sophia is having my baby and I need their blessing to marry her!" I snapped.

His eyes shot wide at my comment.

"I don't know Adam. All her parents want is a little more reassurance. I would strongly advise against rushing into marriage with Sophia. If anything, it will look less authentic to them."

"But how can I reassure them if I don't marry her?"

"If you propose to her now, then her parents will not think it's genuine. Trust me. Especially now that she's recently pregnant. Please don't jump the gun Adam, and take my advice. When the relationship gets better, marriage will happen in due course." He advised.

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