Chapter 2

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Sophia Parker

I got home after work feeling both relieved and exhausted. After the incident with Mr Wilson, he just chose to ignore me all day which was good because I was too embarrassed to face him again, especially after crying my eyes out in the restroom. However, I felt completely useless because he acted like I didn't exist.

I barely had any work to do after planning the trip because he didn't assign me with more tasks. It got so boring that I went over to the marketing department to have a chat with one of my colleagues, Phoebe. I told her about the incident and she felt sorry for me.

However, she also planted a ridiculous idea into my head. She's the only one aware of my stupid crush on Mr Wilson and she's kept it between us. She suggested I try and capture his attention rather than get over my feelings for him. That way, he would treat me with more respect and I would have a bit more control over the situation.

Of course, I thought it was a ridiculous idea. Mr Wilson cannot notice me. He hasn't in almost 2 years and he won't start now! He never will!

But it wouldn't hurt if I just tried...

Perhaps it wouldn't, but my efforts would completely be in vain. I'd rather save my energy for something else.

But I kind of want to do this...

Still, I'd rather not embarrass myself.


"Oh Shut up already!" I yell at that little nagging voice in my head forcing me to go ahead with Phoebe's plans. Thank God no one was around me because they'd probably think I've gone crazy!

Maybe I am! This whole thing is driving me crazy! I should probably just resign from work and forget about Mr Wilson forever! But I need this job so much that I can't.

It's been the best job I've ever had and considering my qualifications, I'm definitely over-employed.

I slumped on my couch, turned on the TV and switched through a few channels. One of them caught my eye. I looked closely  and I saw... Mr Wilson! I sat up immediately, my full attention now on the screen. He was being interviewed and was talking about the company's finances and how it had managed to do so well over the years. He was also giving a lecture about security systems.

I studied his handsome face as he spoke. His hair looked perfect as always. What I would give to run my fingers over the smooth texture of his hair. I watched his lips move as he talked about security systems with such enthusiasm and charisma. Those lips that keep me awake every night, depriving me from any chance of sleep.

Screw it! I'll go ahead and implement Phoebe's plan. I only get one shot in life so why not?

I switched off the TV, and walked into my kitchen. I made pancakes and eggs for dinner which is a lovely recipe I borrowed from Frankie & Benny's.

I freshened up and prepared to hit the sack only to be robbed off sleep by thoughts of one man. When I finally close my eyes, my dreams were invaded with the same mans face.


Adam Wilson

After my live interview on TV, I decided to call it a day and head home. It had been extremely rough for me working without my personal assistant today. Now I know her worth and I value her more. But what she did today was irritating. Loosing the company thousands of dollars for no reason! I would have fired anyone who made such a mistake on the spot. But I just couldn't bring myself to do that to her, so I just left her idle for the day.

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