Chapter 25

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Adam Wilson

Today's workout was intense.

It was chest day and I could feel my ripped muscles.

Apart from the smoking habit I picked up in Michigan, everything else with my body is fine. I have been eating well and trying to get as much sleep as I can. The shrink suggested at least 5 hours of sleep at night which has not been working out so well.

But I'm a working progress.

When I arrived at work, it was already 1pm. I'm late but I made it just in time to prepare for the meeting today at 2pm. I had also bought a box of white chocolates on my way for Sophia, her favorite.

She is presenting and I can't wait to watch her. This is the first time she'll do so and I could tell that she's nervous about it. I remember the look of terror on her face when I told her to do it. She had begged mercilessly but I had none of it. If she was going to leave in a few months I had to make good use of her to her maximum potential. I'm sure she can do this.

I got to my office and rang Sophia immediately but she didn't answer. Maybe she wasn't at her desk.

I went into her office to confirm that she wasn't. She was probably already in the conference room so I placed the chocolates on her desk. She would know they're from me.

I gathered some supplementary documents that I may need during the course of the meeting and I looked up our prospect's business.

AIRTEX, the air navigation manager in Arizona, certified for the provision of en route, approach and aerodrome control services.

They could definitely be of good use to us and us to them.

I looked up some more about the company before my intercom suddenly rang, startling me a bit.


"Sir, the conference room is full and everyone is waiting for you." Alice said.

"I'll be right there." I said before I hung up.

I didn't know how the time had passed so quickly. I grabbed the documents and went to the room. It was down a few levels on the 7th floor.

I walked in to see everyone already settled down and Sean sitting directly beside Sophia holding hands with her. My nose flared but he was probably doing that because she was nervous.

Our prospects looked headstrong and I started to wonder if Sophia could handle this.

"Welcome everyone." I began. "For surveillance purposes, this meeting will be recorded. We are here to propose a business negotiate between Wilson & Co and AIRTEX. My assistant, Miss Parker will confer." I sat down and handed over to her.

The moment she stood up, I saw for the first time what she was wearing!

What the-

"Welcome everyone. I'm Sophia Parker and this is the team; Mr Wilson the CEO of the company, Sean Edmund the head of the accounting and finance, Scott Johnson from telecommunications, Paul Lewis from the HR, Phoebe Woodley from Marketing and Craig Houston from security maintenance."

Did she even look in the mirror before she stepped out this morning???

I couldn't pay any attention to anything she said. My eyes were glued to her outfit. Her legs were on full display thanks to that extremely short and tight light blue skirt she wore.

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