Chapter 29

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Adam Wilson

"These were not the documents that I asked you for!" I screamed at the replacement.

Thank God he was only temporary. This guy was so dumb, one could argue he was paralyzed from the neck up.

He never seemed to get anything right which was amusing. How did he even manage to snag a degree?

"But sir, you said you needed the files for Alfred Lewis." He argued, never once accepting correction.

"Do these look like Alfred Lewis documents??" I was about to loose my patience with this dimwit.

"Yes that are-"

"Shut the fuck up! They're not! These are for Alfred Levakis!" He mixed it up because the name 'Lewis' also appeared on the documents. That just shows he wasn't paying attention to details.

He looked at me with bared teeth, anger flashing in his eyes.

"But sir-"

"If you're not going to take correction and keep on arguing with me then get the fuck out of my office. I don't need stubborn twats like you who think they know everything."

The idiot eyed me for a few seconds before he left. He was only here on trial and he couldn't even last 3 days!

Working with him was hell. He was extremely defensive and constantly arguing. He refused to acknowledge his wrongs and he became even angrier anytime I called him out for a mistake.

"If you can't take the heat, then leave the kitchen." I murmured to myself before putting the buffon out of my mind forever.

I called Alice and instructed her to get the documents for me. It wasn't her job to do so but there was no one else. I told her to hurry because Mr Lewis would be here any moment.

She wasn't fast enough, seeing as they walked into my office together. Alice quietly set the file on my table and left.

"Adam. It's been a while." He greeted.

"It has indeed. Take a seat." I smiled back. "How are the software security measures turning out."

The last time we did business together, I had provided him with SD-WAN Security.

"They work just fine, but I'm afraid we need more. The company is expanding and there have been some attacks on our police and fire communications systems."

"That's strange. Was it diagnosed?"

"Yes it was. And now we need protection. I need you to hook me up with the latest technology Adam. I cannot afford such risks again. The database I hold is extremely confidential."

"Okay. I'll have my engineers develop a peculiar software for you. It'll take some time though."

I noted it down myself since I just sacked my temp and there was no one else to give orders to.

"Don't worry, you can have all the time you need. So, uh... how is Miss Parker doing?"

My head shot up at the mention of her name.


"Sophia, I don't see any sign of her. Where is she?"

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