Chapter 18

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Sophia Parker

I walked into Wilson & Co. knowing that I am going to see HIM today. After a long weekend of crying and depression, I am finally going to sort things out with him today. Just the thought of him made my heart beat wildly in my chest.

Today, I am going to tell him that I love him and I want to be with him. I don't want a professional relationship with him anymore, not after all that has happened between us. It's impossible. Hopefully, he wouldn't reject me this time.

I absentmindedly greeted some workmates I came across on my way. They seemed happy to see me after 2 weeks but my mind was set on only him.

I got to my office a bit early so I wasn't expecting Mr Wilson to be around. It was 7:50am. Although he said I could come in much later, I just couldn't wait to see him. Lily and I countlessly rehearsed what I am going to tell him today and I felt so nervous, like I was about to give a speech.

I went over to the kitchen and ground two cups of coffee beans. One for him and one for myself. I'll give his to him when he arrives.

Oh I can't wait! But I'm also scared as hell!

I drank my coffee and waited patiently at my desk. I switched on my computer to start work but then, I realized there was no work to do. I haven't been in the office for two weeks and I don't know what happened while I wasn't here.

I'll just have to wait for Mr Wilson to give me new instructions so I fiddled with the computer a bit. When I got bored, I checked the time.


I frowned.

"Where are you?!" I groaned to myself. Why is he late?

Then a thought hit me.

Maybe he told me not to come early because he wasn't going to come early either. That made sense.

I relaxed in my chair hoping to snooze till he comes. But the moment I closed my eyes, memories of Friday night's kiss flooded my thoughts. I smiled in reminiscence. It was so amazing... up until the part when he threw me off him.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed. I was so frustrated with myself. Remembering everything he said about how indecisive I am. He must think I'm crazy, but I'm not. I was just preventing myself from getting hurt. Either way, I am still hurt.

I stood up and paced around my office. I couldn't sit in one place doing nothing while I waited for him. I was extremely restless and idle. 

I picked up my phone and called Lily.

"Hey." She picked up after the second ring. "How did it go?"

"Lily he's not here yet. I've been waiting for him for almost 2 hours." I whined.

"Don't be worried Sophia. Do something to pass the time while you wait for him."

"I have nothing to do Lily, I haven't been in the office for 2 weeks."

"Okay... Then watch a movie or something."

I thought about it and it sounded like a good idea. I could setup Netflix on my computer and continue watching Narcos.

"Okay. Are you at work?" I asked.

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