Chapter 28

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Adam Wilson

I woke up expecting Sophia beside me but I was met with emptiness instead.

"Sophia?" I called out her name.

She was probably in the bathroom or somewhere else. I checked the time to see that it was 11am already.

Thankfully, it was a Saturday and I didn't have any engagements so it was okay for me to sleep in late.

Besides... Sophia was a knockout.

Last night was ruthless. Every single moment with her was pure bliss. I am still surprised by the depth of passion she ignited within me. I couldn't wait to share another moment like that with her again.

I needed to find her and say good morning. What is she up to?

I took a deep breath, threw the covers off and went to the bathroom.

"Sophia? My love, are you in there?" I knocked and entered after no response. Unfortunately, it was empty.

That meant she was in the kitchen. She was probably hungry, I am too.

I went into the kitchen and she wasn't there too...


I checked the whole apartment and there was no sign of Sophia. Not even in the study. I also noticed her clothes and everything else was gone.

What the hell is going on? Why did she leave?

I was worried for a split second until I remembered she said she had some commitments. I assumed that was why she had to leave early.

But what sort of commitment is it? She could've at least said goodbye.

I'll call her later today. She must be busy and I don't want to bother her.

I went back to the room and cleaned up last night's clothes from the floor. Before I loaded them in the laundry hamper, I checked all pockets to see if there were any valuables that shouldn't go into the washer.

I dipped my hand into the pocket of my pants and brought out... Sophia's underwear!


I totally forgot that I copped it last night! And I can't believe she left without it! She probably looked for it but couldn't find it.

What the hell am I going to do with it now?

I stood and stared at the small piece of illicit fabric for a good ten minutes, unsure about what I was thinking when I took it.

I held it up, inspecting the flimsy material. I felt a knot of desire as I pictured Sophia wearing it last night. Peeling it off of her had been the sexiest thing ever. This was a token of our time together.

I tucked it into the bathroom drawer and decided to take a cold shower. I turned on the knob and the water sprinkled out from the head. I left it running as I brushed my teeth.

I thought about shaving but I wasn't really up for it. Besides, my stubble didn't look so bad.

As I was about to get in the shower, I stopped. I couldn't resist any longer. I reached for Sophia's panties in the drawers and brought it to my nose, inhaling the sweet pungent feminine aroma.

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