Chapter 4

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Adam Wilson

I am having a very difficult time at work today so far and I think it's going to get worse. I can't get Sophia out of my mind. Whatever mild feelings I had for her before has intensified.

It's like she has infected me like a virus. The only cure is to get her into my bed as soon as possible, maybe that would get rid of the incessant desire for her that I've just acquired.

The one thing preventing me was the fact that she works for me. I have never mixed business with pleasure but all of a sudden she's become so hard to resist.

My intercom buzzed and I answered. It was my secretary.

"Sir, everyone is set for the conference. The board of Holt Industries arrived 10 minutes ago."

"Thank you Alice, I'll be there shortly." It was already 2:10pm, I was late.

I gathered some files and looked through the window adjoining mine and Sophia's offices. Her blinds were closed.

I needed her at this meeting so I made my way to her office to remind her to be there.

Her door was slightly open but just before I entered, I heard her voice.

"Oh my god! No no no!" She said.

She didn't sound okay and I was curious as to what was happening to her in there.

I knew I shouldn't have but I peered through the slightly open door. 

I froze instantly at what I saw!

The tight little shirt that I had dreamt about ripping off Sophia's body earlier was now actually off! Her purple lacy bra was on full display!

What the fuck is she doing?

She held her shirt in her hands and I think she was wiping something off of it. I watched her for a few moments until I couldn't cope anymore.

I took to my heels. 

I forcefully brushed the indecent image of Sophia that I'd just seen out of my head and walked into the conference room. I greeted my affiliates and started the meeting immediately, refusing to allow what happened to affect me.

I had managed to do just that for about 5 minutes. But when I saw Sophia walk into the room in nothing but a blazer, I lost my cool again.

Why would she come into a meeting dressed like that

I tried my absolute best to concentrate but it was no use. The only thing on my mind was the fact that she wasn't wearing anything apart from a purple bra beneath that dangerously low cut blazer.

At one point, I asked for whoever was in possession of our business profile to hand them out. Sophia began handing them out, bending over the table and sashaying between each client. I could see some of them had their eyes on her, trying to look beneath the blazer and it made me furious.

I couldn't handle Sophia being in the conference room anymore dressed like that so when she returned back to her seat next to me, I spoke to her privately.

"Thank you Sophia but you've done enough for today. You should go back to your office and finish the rest of your work." I whispered to her, ensuring no one else heard our conversation.

"But-" She tried to object.


"Okay." She handed the rest of the profiles to me.

"Wait for me in my office before you leave." I said to her. I needed to have a word with her about her outfit.

"Alright sir."

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