Chapter 15

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Sophia Parker

I was expecting Mr Wilson to show up early in the morning at the house to pick me up for the airport, but he didn't show until 6 in the evening! He should have told me we would be flying at night, that way, I wouldn't have had to rush this morning. I could have taken my sweet time.

Packing wasn't an easy job. Last night, I threw all my clothes in the washer and dried them overnight, I arranged them into my box in the morning along with my shoes and other things.

I'm not really sure I have the appropriate clothes for Michigan, most of them are too casual. I don't even have a suit, although I have one black dress that I can wear for an official purpose.

Right now I was wearing a grey summer dress with my black knee length boots, suitable for any weather.

We are about to take off and I'm sitting directly in front of Mr Wilson in his jet and as usual, he simply can't keep his eyes off me. Part of my liked it but another part of my found it very disturbing.

"You look nice in that dress." His compliment made me warm all over.

"Thank you."

"Did you notice we have a new pilot." He said to me.

"Really? I didn't. What happened to Captain Williams?"

"He went to his home town in Ohio for his daughter's wedding. The new guy is just temporary."

"Aw, congratulations to him."

Captain Williams was actually a nice person and I was really happy for him and his daughter. We seldom have conversations but when we do, he's always so funny and witty. I like his sense of humour, he forces us to call him Captain because he's one of the best pilots from Skymate. But he's also gradually approaching 60 years so he may retire soon. Mr Wilson would have to look for someone to succeed him.

Im sure a number of things would have changed at the office when I return, and I can't wait to start working again. I actually missed it.

"How was your break from the office?" He asked me after a few moments.

"It was okay, I guess. Spent most of it at the hospital. Everything's fine now and I'm glad I'm back."

"Good to know. I'm glad you're back too. I couldn't bear the thought of you not being around for another week."

"Is that why you really came to Richmond? You really don't need me in Michigan do you? You just came here to abduct me because you want me to come back. Congratulations, you've succeeded." I said, wanting nothing more but to hit him.

"I do need you in Michigan, but honestly you're right. I also need you with me. Even if I had to come down here to get you, at least I'm happy you're here now."

"How selfish of you! I was needed more in Richmond!"

"Are you sure about that? Because your mother seemed eager for you to come back with me. And this morning, she told me the reason why." He said.

"I could have handled things perfectly fine. You didn't need to steal me away from my parents!"

"I'm sorry Sophia. If this is not what you really want then I could take you back?"

He surprised me. Would he actually do that? I wasn't really mad at him for taking me with him, I was just angry because of the anonymous picture I received. Seeing him kiss another woman right after I kissed him made me furious at him. He's nothing but a skirt-chaser and he doesn't deserve to be treated nicely.

"I can't go back, my mother wants me to go with you. Plus its too late, we're about to take off."

"It's not too late Sophia, I don't want you to think of this as an abduction. I genuinely need you, I really do."

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