Chapter 11

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Sophia Parker

I barely saw Mr Wilson today. He was in a meeting with the solar panel guy since 10:00am till 2:00pm and eventually left the office with him. He is really taking this solar energy thing seriously and I'm afraid he works too hard these days, considering he just came back from a tedious business trip.

He told me that he did not need my assistance during the meeting which was very unusual. He always requires my help when handling projects and these sort of things. I was bored and idle today and I couldn't wait for 5:00pm

Once it was 5pm, I packed my things quickly. I was tired of staying in my office.

I took the elevator down to Sean's office which was on the 4th floor. The building has 10 floors, me and Mr Wilson had our offices on the 9th floor. The 10th floor was a pent house which he never used anyway.

I knocked on Sean's door and he called out for me to come in.

"Sophia, you're on time." He smiled at me.

"Hey, I couldn't wait." I smiled back while looking around. "You have a nice office."

"Have you never been here before?" He asked.

"No, I hardly come over to the accounting department."

"Oh okay, give me a moment. I'm just gathering my things."

After he packed up his things we went towards the elevator.

"Adam left the office very early today, which is unusual." Sean said.

"I know, he went to do some work."

"What's he working on?" He asked.

"Solar Panels in the office."

"Oh really, that's a brilliant idea because it will reduce the offices energy cost. Then we don't need to pay so much bills for electricity."

"You're right, I actually didn't think of it that way. No wonder he's working so hard on this."

He laughed a bit. "Sophia, you should know that. Aren't you involved in this project?"

"Actually I'm not. Mr Wilson isn't involving me in on this one. He only asked for my opinion once but he said he doesn't need my assistance."

"Well, maybe he just needs to concentrate fully on this project. It seems important to him."

"Are you saying I'm a distraction?" I said in a fake pissed-off tone.

"No, no... well, sort of. You could be a distraction... but not in a bad way!" He was scratching the back of his head.

"In what way could I possibly be a distraction when I'm there to help him?!"

"Honestly Sophia, working with a beautiful woman like you is not that easy. If I were him I would be having trouble concentrating at work sometimes." He winked at me.

"You men are ridiculous!" I rolled my eyes at him.

The elevator doors finally opened and standing in front of it was Mr Wilson.

What was he doing here? I thought he had left the office, why did he come back?

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