Chapter 2. Highly Suspicious Behavior

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As Stiles pulled into the parking lot of the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, thunder boomed in the sky loudly. A storm was approaching, and believe me I found the irony in the situation. The fact that a storm is brewing whilst we are discussing the fact that the scales of our lives are going to tip one way or the other is the definition of ironic. We had come to the hospital for one of two reasons, the first being to drop Liam off with his dad... the second being that Scott wanted to see if mom was still working so he could let her know about our whereabouts. From what I could see, the parking lot was overflowing with cars and EMT's. There must have been a really bad accident, or the storm had done some serious damage somewhere because this is extremely crowded compared to the usual amount of people here.

Without a word spoken, everyone clambered out of the jeep and headed into the hospital. Scott and Liam branched off once we were inside, while Stiles, Malia and myself decided to hang around the front desk. Several nurses rushed past us with clipboards and stretchers with people laying on them. I took a step to the side so I wasn't in anyone's way. I haven't seen the hospital busy like this in awhile.

"I wonder what happened?" Malia questioned as she glanced around the waiting room.

Stiles shrugged, "Something big."

The lights flickered and I turned to the door, I froze when I saw something in the reflection. There was a hand on my shoulder, and it was clad with a thick glove with metal on it. I jumped and rubbed my hands over my shoulder to get rid of it, but once I spun around to see what had been behind me I found nothing but an empty wall. I blinked rapidly as Stiles grabbed my wrist, "You okay?"

I cleared my throat and ran my hand through my hair, "Yeah... I thought I felt something on me."

Malia narrowed her eyes and inspected the surround area, "I didn't see anything?"

"It's probably nothing," I dismissed the topic, not wanting to discuss it any further.

Although, it was something. I had just seen a hand on my shoulder, and obviously there hadn't been a real person behind me that put it there... so where the hell did it come from? I cold be seeing things from lack of sleep, maybe. I mean, I did take a nap before I left so I should be relatively rested... but it could be the explanation.

I was so very desperate for their to be an explanation.

Stiles glanced at me sideways, "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded quickly, "I'm fine. I'm just gonna go to the restroom real quick, I'll be right back."

I then made my way down the hall towards the nearest restroom on this floor. I just needed to get some cold water on my face and calm myself down. I'm not slipping again, I'm not hallucinating or being possessed or anything of that nature. I just happened to see something that wasn't there, it's not a big deal. I'm going to continue to convince myself that it wasn't a big deal.

My shoes squeaked against the tile and I winced as it echoed down the hallway. Once I approached the restroom, I pushed the door open and slipped inside quickly. I glanced under the stalls to make sure I was alone, and once I found there to be not a single soul in sight, I grabbed the sides of the sink and took in my appearance in the mirror. My hair was was styled to a near perfect T, my makeup wasn't smeared, my outfit wasn't ripped or torn, my color wasn't ghostly pale... everything looked pristine and perfect on the outside.

So why do I feel the exact opposite on the inside?

It was just a trick of the eye, that's all. There wasn't a hand on my shoulder. I noticed that my hands were beginning to tremble. I clenched them into fists in attempt to make them stop, but they continued their spasms. What in the holy hell is going on with me? The last time they did this, I wrote the letter D in my dream journal... maybe I need to write something. The only problem with that being I'm in a bathroom and there isn't exactly a notebook and pen in here.

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