Chapter 38. Enjoy The Show

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I took a deep breath as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had just gotten out of the shower and I looked beyond drained. It seemed like lately I just have permanent purple smudges stained underneath my eyes due to my lack of sleep. 

My entire evening last night was spent laying wide awake as I stared at the ceiling. Stiles was sound asleep beside me as I just let my mind race with a million different things. I had so many different topics that I could focus on rather than sleep peacefully, so that's what I did. 

I thought about how if I did possibly fall asleep the potential of me losing time would increase, because for some reason that was when my mind was at it's absolute weakest. I also thought about how Malia had kissed me hours before and admitted to having feelings for me. I have yet to tell Stiles because I didn't think it was the time nor the place. We have bigger fish to fry and I'll be sure to fill him in after we get Mason back alive. I also thought about the fact that the overwhelming weight of the situation was enough to crush me into tiny pieces of my former self. The only constant that I can say that I've had through all of the crazy supernatural hurdles that I've had to jump over has been Stiles. 

He has been the only thing anchoring me to my sanity. His safety has always and will always be my number one priority and knowing that Malia's mother has him in her sights is just enough to send me into a panic. I need to keep him safe but I don't know if I can, because sadly I am one of the reasons the town of Beacon Hills is in so much danger to begin with. Who knows what is going to happen to me or what else I'm going to have to deal with on top of keeping Stiles safe.

I let out a heavy sigh as I ran my hands over my face. Today was the day, we were going to stop the Dread Doctors and the beast once and for all. We were going to save Mason and all will be right with the world. We can do this. 

Once my motivational pep talk was over. I can do this. We can do this. We've faced crazy things, right?

Without wasting another second I splashed some cold water onto my face and jogged down the stairs to where my friends were waiting for me. Scott had woken up moments before I did and he seemed to be all healed up from the fight last night so that was at least starting our day in a positive light. 

The last step on my staircase squeaked as I hopped off of it and rounded the corner to the kitchen where home base seemed to be. 

"For a 5'8 sixteen year old?" Kira's question floated through the hallway and I saw that Scott was just a mere two feet ahead of me.

Stiles sighed, "I recommended a 9 foot tall rampaging werewolf."

"It still might not be him..." Liam supplied to the conversation before a very heavy silence fell over them. 

I can't exactly say I know exactly how he feels--but I do not how it feels to have someone you love overtaken by something from the supernatural world and they have no control over it. And that, is a terrible feeling.

Malia glanced at Liam and then added, "I can keep checking the woods."

"And my mom can check all the hospitals in the county," Scott said as he made his presence known. I stepped up beside him and offered an encouraging smile, "We are going to find Mason."

Liam looked at me nervously, "What happens then?"

"We figure out a way to save him and Kasey. This ends today." My brother said with finality.

Lydia smiled, "Okay, where else could we look?"

Scott's head ticked to the side slightly and he smirked, "Let's ask Corey," and then he stuck his arm out to the side and grabbed a fistful of air-- which materialized into a shirt which slowly became Corey.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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