Chapter 7. Game Changer

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"She didn't give me a choice, she was going to kill me, it was self-defense." 

My lips trembled as the words tumbled out. I had decided that going with the truth was my best option. Scott is going to hate me, but he would hate me even more if he found out that I had lied to him about it. I'm not so worried about how Stiles and Malia will see me, I have total confidence that they can comprehend the self-defense part of the situation, whereas Scott will assume that I had a better option at the time. 

Malia appeared in front of me and when I saw her my eyes widened considerably. She was glancing between Tracy's body and myself in confusion, "What the hell happened?" 

"I killed her," I said quietly, finally admitting to my wrongdoing out loud. 

She sucked in a breath and blinked rapidly, "You killed her? Why? What happened?" 

"I didn't have a choice, she was going to kill me and it was either kill or be killed and I chose to kill." my voice was faint, barely a whisper and I knew that if it was this hard for me to say it to Malia, it was going to be a million times harder to say it to Scott. 

My eyes traveled back over to Tracy's body, each time I looked at it the heavier my chest became. I don't think Stiles' dad will charge me with murder, because he can't use all of the facts. For example, she was trying to kill me with her claws that were dripping with paralytic goo and if I didn't act quick enough she would have murdered me by ripping my throat out. He couldn't exactly put that in his report, now could he? 

Malia smiled faintly, "I thought rules of the Wild Kingdom didn't apply in real life?" 

I laughed despite the anxiety I was feeling and I felt tears welling in my eyes at the irony. Why is it whenever my life is sort-of coming together, something always has to happen that screws it up? My knees were pulled to my chest, my forehead resting atop them as I tried to get my breathing under control. Scott would be here any minute and that meant my death sentence was coming down the steps with him. 

Even if I did decide to lie, he would be able to tell because my heart would be beating erratically. Scott would know right off the bat that I was lying and then he would call me out and that would make the situation even worse. 

"If you're worried about Scott, he'll have to understand. You said it was self-defense." she tried to assure me, but I know my brother a hell of a lot better than she does. He's going to be so upset with me. 

I blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill over, "He won't, not right away at least. He's gonna hate me for a little while." 

The sudden sound of footsteps racing across the floorboards above us revealed to me that Scott and Stiles had arrived. It sounded like more than just two people, so I assumed that Deaton came with them as well. I'm not exactly sure how this is going to go down, but I'm praying for the best. Malia blinked as she glanced over her shoulder, "I'm gonna go check on Lydia, you coming?" 

"I can't move just yet," I said quietly, earning a nod in response from her. 

I watched her ascend the stairs and my stomach dropped, because I knew the next person to appear in the basement with me was going to be Scott. I took a deep breath and readied myself for his presence. I don't think I've ever been this nervous to see Scott in my entire life. 


The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up as his voice echoed down into the basement. I attempted to stand up, but my legs felt like jello. Scott quickly made his way over to me, his eyes taking in the scene and widening in shock. Stiles appeared behind him, shoving my brother to the side and collapsing onto his knees in front of me, grabbing me with his arms and holding me tightly. My eyes were locked on Scott as he kept his gaze focussed on Tracy. I noticed Stiles' dad struggling to stay upright at the base of the staircase. 

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