Chapter 26. Dark Actions

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"Anyone seen Stiles or Scott McCall? I can't be the only one who thinks it's slightly coincidental they're both sick on the same day." 

I glanced up from the paper on my desk at my teacher who was staring at the empty seats of my boyfriend and brother. I bit down on my lip as she stood in front of my desk, "Kasey, can you tell me why your brother isn't here today?" 

"He wasn't feeling well this morning, my mom told him to take a day off and rest. As for Stiles, I don't know why he's not here." I lied smoothly, praying that she wouldn't force the conversation further because there is only so much I can say until she realizes that I'm lying to her. 

She nodded, "And Lydia Martin wasn't in class today either, care to enlighten me on as to why?" 

I winced slightly because Lydia was currently in Eichen House due to her mother being a complete idiot and sending her away. Had Natalie not notified the school about her daughters whereabouts? Surely she would have to call or something to let them know that she put her daughter in a psychiatric hospital with less than stellar reviews. 

"She won't be in for awhile. Medical issues." Theo stated, answering the question that had been directed at myself. 

I gritted my teeth together at his smug remark. He was the reason that she is in Eichen House in the first place, because he tried to steal her memories. He tried to do something that he had absolutely no background knowledge about whatsoever and he completely screwed Lydia's mind up. 

Movement in the classroom doorway caught my eye and I glanced over to see Malia standing there. She was looking at Theo and myself and the sight of her just ignited a flame of hatred inside my chest. I'm still very upset with her for developing feelings for Stiles, she should have known to either keep to herself about it or just not have feelings for him at all... but her dumbass decided to catch feelings and then tell me about it. 

⬘ ⬘ ⬘

Class ended all of three minutes ago and I was breezing through the hallway quickly, trying to get to the library so I could spend my free period either studying, taking a nap, or trying to figure out what the hell is going on with me. My mission to get to the library was rudely interrupted when Malia stepped directly in front of me, causing me to halt my advance and narrow my eyes. 

What is with people today and trying to force me into conversations with them?

"What?" I asked in annoyance. 

Malia folded her arms over her chest, "You're ignoring me." 

"Wow, very perceptive. You want a fucking cookie?" I snapped, trying to make my way around her, but she followed my movements and prevented me from doing so. 

She sighed, "Kasey, you have got to talk to me. You're pushing everyone away." 

"No, I'm not." I stated through a clenched jaw, "I'm pushing away Scott, because he thinks I'm some kind of monster that's killing people in the middle of the night and I'm pushing you away because you have feelings for my boyfriend which is like the worst kind of betrayal a best friend can make." 

Malia frowned as she blinked rapidly, "I didn't want to fall for Stiles, okay? It just kind of happened. I can't control it... but I'm not going to try and steal him away from you or anything like that. You two have helped me through a lot and what kind of person does that make me if I deliberately sabotage your relationship?" 

"Oh, so you've thought about it?" I scoffed, "Look, Malia, I get this is all new to you, the whole fighting and not speaking thing, but it's pretty easy to pick up. You just don't talk to me. You don't look at me, you don't even waste your time thinking about me. That's how it works."

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