Chapter 35. What a Lovely Name

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Stiles Stilinski was currently struggling to keep a very injured Liam upright as he and Hayden pushed through a set of double doors into the school. When the loud shrieking sound echoed around the lacrosse field moments prior, the Beast showed up almost instantly. Liam, being the hot headed and extremely bold beta, decided to take it upon himself to take the Beast on. Stiles could see it all happening and he knew that it wasn't going to end well. Not only that, but Scott, Kasey and Kira were all still inside the building when this was going down, so they wouldn't be able to help.

The Beast mangled Liam up and Stiles and Hayden bolted across the field, maneuvering through the crowds of screaming people and scooped Liam off the ground, each taking a side as they decided to pull him into the school. The Beast was roaring loudly and as they slid across the tiled floor, it sounded as if it had entered the school building.

Waves of people poured down the hallways and Stiles took it upon himself to be the alpha in this situation, he adjusted his grip on Liam and motioned for Hayden to follow him as they zipped down the hallway to the nearest classroom door. Stiles fumbled with the handle before shoving the door open with his shoulder and pulling Liam and Hayden behind him.

"On the desk, on the desk." Stiles panted as he struggled to get Liam upright against the desk.

Liam was screaming in pain as Stiles swept his arms over the top of the desk, knocking all of whichever teacher's belongings onto the floor. His ears were ringing as Liam continued to scream and when Hayden was finally able to push him onto the desk top, Stiles' stomach churned at the sight.

The jersey that was on Liam's torso was shredded and his skin was ripped underneath. Blood was dripping off of him onto the floor, and needless to say if he wasn't a supernatural creature there's no way in hell he'd be alive right now.

"I'm okay, I'm fine." Liam groaned as Hayden and Stiles began to assess the damage.

Hayden grabbed a piece of fabric that had a large chunk of skin on it and she gasped and dropped it back onto Liam, Stiles' held back the bile rising up the back of his throat and looked to the floor. He had to focus.

"What? Is it bad?" Liam asked in a panic.

Hayden quickly responded with, "No."

While, at the same time, Stiles supplied a very disgusted, "Very."

Hayden shot him a look of annoyance and Stiles just gaped at her and gestured to the extremely gruesome sight before them. Hayden nervously moved the fabric of Liam's jersey around and said, "Okay, what do you guys usually do when this happens?"

"I usually pass out, and I think I might do that." Stiles mumbled.

Hayden lifted another piece of skin and Stiles' eyes began to roll to the back of his head and the room began to spin. Hayden noticed that he was about to black out and she quickly snapped, "Stiles!"

"Okay, okay. Scott did this with pain. He could trigger it, pain makes you human." Stiles stuttered, averting his gaze from Liam's very mangled torso.

Hayden gawked at him in confusion, "He's already in pain?"

"Right, okay, but maybe adding a little more could help take away the pain?" Stiles attempted to explain his thought process, although he knew how crazy he sounded.

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