Chapter 20. The Supermoon

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"This might hurt," 

I scoffed, "I'm not scared of you, Theo." 

"You're about to be," he said quickly before he rushed at me. I dodged his body and rolled on the floor, making a break for the front door so I could run away from him. I don't want to test my supernatural strength just yet because he's head a hell of a lot more practice using his than I have using mine and there's no doubt that he would be able to kick my ass. 

Theo appeared in front of me and I sighed in defeat, "Trying to run like the little bitch that you are?" 

"I may be a bitch, but sweetheart I'm not little." I growled viciously. 

He narrowed his eyes and launched himself at me again. I slid across the floor and my shoes squeaked against the wood. Theo snatched up the collar of my shirt and jerked me backwards, my feet gave out beneath me and my back slammed to the ground. I coughed out in pain as he jumped on top of me and raised his hand to hit me in the head. 

I panicked and used all my strength to roll my body, knocking him off of me. His body hit the floor with a loud thud and I pushed myself up into a standing position before he managed to get the jump on me again. Theo jumped up quickly, squaring up to me. I let out a groan, "Are you serious?" 

"This will be so much easier if you just stand still." he muttered in annoyance. 

Adrenaline was pumping through me as I took a step away from him. I'm not exactly sure what he is trying to do with me but I don't want to stick around and find out. Even though Scott and I may not exactly be on speaking terms at the moment, I have to tell him what Theo is trying to do. Which to be honest, I still have no idea what it is exactly that he is trying to do... but it's obviously bad. 

"That's not gonna happen," I responded evenly. 

Theo came at me again and without thinking I swung my hand at his face. My fist collided with his jaw and I heard a distinguishable crack as he fell back onto the floor. My eyes widened when I realize just how powerful that I was. Theo spit out blood onto my floor and narrowed his eyes fiercely, "Really? Is that all you got? Come on, Kasey. I turned your brother against you." 

I watched as he pushed himself off the floor and stood in front of me again. I glanced at him in confusion, "You what?" 

"Come on, did you really think that Scott wouldn't try to see things your way about self-defense?" he laughed manically. 

Once again, I swung at him. His body hit the floor and more blood poured out of his mouth. I jumped on top of him and grabbed the collar of his shirt, slamming his body down onto the floor, "What the hell did you say to him?!" 

"That you wanted to kill Tracy because you didn't think she was worth saving," he chuckled as blood stained his lips and his teeth.

I clenched my jaw, "You son of a bitch."

"Tell me how you really feel," he coughed out, his blood spurted onto my shirt. 

I continued to slam his body down onto the ground and I could hear the wood splintering beneath him. Rage was consuming me and the only thing I could see was red. His blood. All over the floor and all over me because I'm going to kill him. I'm going to take another life and I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about it. 

My hand balled up into a fist and I hit his face again. His head whipped to the side and I watched as he lay still, closing his eyes briefly due to the surge of pain that had just shot through him. He lied to Scott. He's the reason why Scott won't speak to me. Everything all makes sense now, I get why Scott keeps saying that he knows what I said and he knows that it wasn't just self-defense. He has another story. Theo fed him a false story and he doesn't know the truth so he doesn't know what really happened that day. 

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