Chapter 29. Trapped

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I remember being told that this place was also called Echo House, because you can hear the screams from the patients echoing through the hallways... but right now in my room, I don't hear a single thing. Radio silence. I don't hear screaming. I don't hear footsteps. I don't hear breathing. I can't hear a single thing and you would think that I would be able to with my supernatural hearing, but I can't. 

The restraints have been taken off, so I feel like I must have fallen asleep at some point and the orderly on duty came in and removed them. I know that I have to be in the closed unit, what I don't understand is how I am a patient here again. Wouldn't my mom have to sign some sort of paper for me to be admitted? I doubt she willingly sent me back to this place, she knows what happened the first time. Which I was hoping to be my last time. 

I'm not sure what all happened while I was blacked out, obviously it was something bad. 

I sat up and rubbed at my eyes tiredly, I didn't get much sleep because this bed is nowhere near as comfortable as the one I have at home. I glanced down at my chest and saw that I was in the patient attire already. One of the orderlies much have changed my clothes, too. All of my belongings were in the purse that Lydia gave me, which I remember leaving in Stiles' car. So, at least I know all of that stuff is safe. 

The only thing I can think to do is try to break out of here. Who knows how long they are going to try and keep me locked down here.

My door buzzed and I glanced up and gasped when I saw Valack standing in the doorway with a smirk planted on his face. Instinctively, I scooted backwards on the bed so I could put as much distance between us as I possibly could. He stepped into my room and closed the door, "Good Morning, Kasey." 

"Don't tell me all of this is your doing." I said in annoyance, finally realizing that this was all a trap. 

Valack more than likely was behind getting me to come and see Lydia and he planned all of this, he knew that my ability would act up and something would happen. He knew how to get me trapped back in this pit of hell. He wants me here for a reason. Just like he wants Lydia here for a reason. 

He chuckled, "I'm afraid so." 

"What do you want with me now?" I asked heatedly, glancing around the room in a panic. My powers don't seem to be working because I can't hear anything and I can't smell anything. 

Valack folded his arms over his chest, "I injected you with a concoction to keep your wolf side dormant, if that's what your worried about." 

"What are you trying to do here, Valack? I know that you're beyond fascinated with me and my abilities but why are you dragging Lydia into this, too?" I demanded fiercely, letting my anger boil over the anxiety I was feeling. 

I could only hope that Stiles would come up with a plan to get me the hell out of here before Valack did whatever it was he was planning to do. I don't have to be a psychic to know that whatever it is that he's planning, it's not good. 

"You and Lydia are so underestimated by your friends, the Admonere abilities and the Banshee abilities can do so much more damage than Scott and his pack realize. I can amplify your powers, make you stronger-- turn you into true forces to be reckoned with. Especially you, Kasey." he said, smirking once more. 

I shook my head from side to side, "I'm already a hybrid, that should be enough force for one person." 

"You don't even know what you are capable of... how much power you can truly hold." Valack sighed as he shook his head from side to side. 

I watched as he pulled a syringe out of his back pocket, the tip of the needle glinted under the lighting and my eyes widened. 

"What the hell is that?" I asked fearfully. 

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