Chapter 12. Asthma Attack

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I rolled out of bed the next morning with a stiff back and sore eyes. For some reason, last night was the most uncomfortable night I've had in weeks. I decided to sleep in my own bed, mainly because I didn't want to keep Stiles up all night because I couldn't sleep. I was up until about 5 am, then I crashed for an hour or so and it was time to start getting up for school. Due to my lack of sleep, I decided taking a shower was my best option for waking up. 

The water was warm and it felt nice against my sore muscles. I closed my eyes briefly and relaxed beneath the steam and water. I think I was afraid to sleep last night because of the memory I had about the first time I self harmed. I'm not exactly sure why that particular memory decided to surface, but it brought back a lot of feelings that I hadn't felt in a long time. 

The small scar on my wrist from that night felt like it was on fire and I ignored it. I haven't thought about that chapter of my life in so long. I've put it behind me for the most part and I try to not think about it too often. I hate knowing that I used to harm myself to cope with things, because now I know that it's not the answer. I know that no matter how bad you feel, hurting yourself is only going to make you feel worse in the end. It's a temporary fix to the problem. 

I decided to move my shower along and I was out in a matter of minutes. I didn't want to spend all morning standing here thinking about yesterday. I need to move on and focus on today. I'm not sure if that memory is from the Dread Doctors or from my ability. I'm hoping it's from the latter because if that was from the Dread Doctors it didn't help me realize anything important. 

My phone buzzed on the counter and I dried my hands so I could pick it up, it was a call from Stiles. I tapped the green icon and hit the speaker button so I didn't have to hold the phone to my ear. 

"Hey," I greeted him. 

Stiles' voice picked up quickly, "Hey. I'll be at your house in like five minutes are you ready?" 

"I just got out of the shower but I should be dressed by the time you get here." I responded as I patted my body down with the towel. 

He scoffed, "You took a shower without me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, was I supposed to wait for you?" I laughed before I slipped on my underwear and pants. It didn't take me long to get dressed, in fact I did it before Stiles came up with what he wanted to say to me. 

"It would have been appreciated." he muttered.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll keep that in mind for next time." 

"You better," Stiles said with a hint of sass to his tone before he ended the call. I grabbed my phone off the counter and slid it into my back pocket. I dropped the towel in the hamper and then twisted the doorknob so I could go back into my bedroom. 

When I opened the door though, I wasn't looking at my bedroom. I was looking at a hospital room that had a circle of chairs with people in them. The windows were allowing a hefty amount of sunlight to illuminate the mostly white room. My eyes darted around the scene because for some reason it seemed all too familiar. I've been here before, I think. 

There was one empty chair in the circle, and all of the people seemed to be waiting for the last person to arrive. I took a step forward to investigate further, but then a door slammed open, which halted my movement. My head turned to see who had opened the door, but then I saw my 14 year old self emerging into the room. My wrist was bandaged and I was in black cotton pants and a gray t-shirt. My hair was pulled up into a mess of a bun and I took the empty seat without speaking a word. 

"Everyone, let's welcome Kasey to her first session." The man, who I assumed was in charge, said with a smile on his face.

A murmured chorus of welcome was spread across the group and I didn't seem to respond to anyone. In fact, my eyes were glued to the windows. It was apparent to anyone watching that I did not want to be here. Actually, it didn't look like anybody wanted to be here. Every single teenager looked miserable as hell, like they were being forced to sit here and listen to this bullshit that we are about to be fed with a spoon by the guy with the obvious toupee. 

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