Chapter 11. Theo Raeken Boycott

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When I was younger and I was scared at night, I would just get up and turn on my bedroom light. I thought that anything and everything bad was just as scared of the light as I was of them so they wouldn't dare try to come after me because I was in a safe and well lit space. Well, I'm older now and the light is still on and it's not doing anything for me anymore. The darkness and the bad things still manage to get into my head and I'm never safe. I was hoping that one day I'd be able to turn off the light and not have to worry about anything bothering me, but I'm starting to think that will never happen.

Stiles rolled over in his sleep, draping an arm over my body. I was laying on my side, facing his bedroom door trying to fall back asleep but I just can't. I turned the beside light on hoping that it would help put my nerves at ease but it's not doing anything for me. All it's doing is lighting up the room and allowing me to see his board full of information about the chimera's. A sight that I most certainly don't want while I'm trying to sleep. 

I exhaled loudly and grabbed Stiles' hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He fell asleep before I did and I thought that I would never be able to drift off, but then I did for about an hour and now I'm wide awake again. Normally, sleeping with him always cures any and all anxiety and fear but tonight it's just not working-- I have too much going on in my damn head.

The conversation that I had somehow managed to have with Valack was currently what I was thinking the most heavily on. He made me really question why I had been able to see the Dread Doctors, well at least their hands, on me in the hospital before we even knew that they were here. He had said that if I read the book it'll trigger the memories, so maybe the more that I read the more I'll remember. 

My only hesitation when it comes to that though is what if I don't want to remember what had happened with them. Maybe it was so bad that I don't remember for a reason. If that even makes any sense. I don't know anymore. 

Stiles mumbled something and his eyes slowly opened, he blinked rapidly as he noticed that the light was turned on. He pulled up a hand to shield his eyes, "Kase, why is the light on?" 

"Sorry, I'll turn it off." I said quickly as I reached for the switch. Darkness engulfed the room and I scooted closer to Stiles' body in the bed. 

He yawned and angled his body towards mine, "What are you doing up?" 

"I had to pee," I lied effortlessly, "I didn't mean to wake you up." 

Stiles attempted to respond but it turned into a moan and he just fell back into unconsciousness. I envied him in this moment. I wished to be able to fall asleep so easily and not have to worry about nightmares. Lately, it seems like the only time I actually can remember a dream is because it was so terrible I woke up in a frazzled state because of it. 

My phone screen lit up and I glanced at it in confusion, wondering who would text me at this time. I grabbed it and navigated to my text messages and found that it was from Lydia.

Text From: mahhh queennn <3

I can feel your anxiety from all the way over here, that weird connection we have remember? Try to get some sleep and don't think too much, okay?

Text To: mahhh queennn <3

I really do think you're psychic sometimes, but I'll try... I've just got a lot on my mind and I can't seem to get past it enough to sleep.

Text From: mahhh quennn <3

Take a Xanax if you have to, Kasey. You need to get some sleep, it's important. Plus, we have a big day of reading ahead of us tomorrow so I'd get some rest!!! You know that book is a real page turner!!! 

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