Chapter 23. Blood Stains

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I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar place. The ground was wet and cold, it definitely wasn't my mattress. My vision was slightly blurred as I tried to figure out where the hell I was. It's dark and I can barely see, I should be able to see though, right? Maybe there isn't much to see to begin with. I pushed myself into a standing position and glanced around, the smell of copper was infiltrating my sinuses and it was all too familiar. It's blood. Why am I smelling blood?

"Please... help me..."

I jumped at the sudden sound, not expecting to hear any voices. It was a man, and he sounded weak. I turned in the direction from where the sound came and slowly made my way towards the source. The blood was getting stronger, and I crinkled my nose in disgust. What the hell is going on?

"Hello?" I called out hesitantly, not knowing what I was getting ready to walk into.

The room seemed to lighten up slightly, and I gasped when I saw a man laying on the ground. Blood was surrounding him on the ground in a large pool. He turned his head and when he saw me he jerked and began to panic slightly. Why is he scared of me?

I wanted to approach him, try to get some answers of some sort-- but before I could speak, I felt a presence behind me. I then realized that the man wasn't afraid of me, he was afraid of what was behind me. I swallowed thickly and slowly turned around to come face to face with a large black mass with glowing blue eyes.

A scream escaped me and I fell to the ground, not knowing what the hell I was looking at. The creature flashed his teeth at me before he ran off to the left behind some piping and disappeared. My heart was beating erratically as I began to crawl towards the man that was on the ground. He was sucking in air too quickly and I could tell by the amount of blood on the ground that he wasn't going to make it out of this alive.

"I'm gonna get some help," I assured him as I began to reach around in my pockets for my cell phone but it wasn't in them. I don't have it? Why don't I have my cell phone?

The man began choking on his blood, "Run."

A loud growling echoed around the building and I knew that it had been the large black beast that had just been over here. I wasn't sure if he was going to come back or not, but I didn't want to leave this man here to die. I needed to at least try to help him. I needed to get us both out of here.

I sat up with a gasp, grabbing at my chest which was throbbing painfully. I was in my bedroom now, not wherever I had been before. I let out a heavy sigh and rubbed at my eyes, unsure of what exactly was going on. That nightmare was weird. It didn't even make any sense. My eyes widened when I noticed that my white sheets were stained red. I looked to my hands and saw that they were covered in blood as well.

"What the hell.." I muttered in confusion, glancing from my hands to my sheets.

A knock on my bedroom door startled me and I jumped in place, beginning to panic. Who the hell is at my door? Shit. I nearly fell out of bed as I darted to my bathroom, throwing on the tap and scrubbing the blood off of me. I noticed that it went all the way up to my elbows. My eyes widened as I realized that something was obviously very wrong if I'm waking up covered in blood.

"Kasey?" Scott called, continuing to knock on my door. I could hear him trying to open the door, but apparently it was locked. Thank God.

I cleared my throat as I watched the red water drain, "Hang on!"

Once the blood was off of my arms I grabbed a towel and hastily dried at my arms and then dashed back over to my bed, adjusting my blanket to cover the stain. I then grabbed some perfume off of my dresser and sprayed it around to mask the smell of copper lingering in the air. Once I felt the my secret was concealed enough, I twisted the lock on the handle and pulled the door open.

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