Chapter 32. Reunited

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"I thought you had her scent?" Stiles snapped as he watched Theo lean his hear towards a pipe on the wall. They had been in the tunnels for all of five minutes and he had already lost the scent and was now trying a new tactic. 

Theo sighed, "I lost it." 

"So, find it again?" Stiles responded sharply, not in the mood for this sort of thing. They were running out of time to save Kasey and he could literally feel the pressure building in his chest from all the anxiety he was having. 

The chimera rolled his eyes, "What do you smell down here, Stiles?" 

"Chemicals and fecal matter. Although, I'm pretty sure the fecal matter is you." Stiles responded as he narrowed his eyes at Theo. 

Theo glanced at Stiles in annoyance before saying, "I smell it, too. It's all that I can smell, which is why I'm trying something else. So can you please shut up and let me concentrate." 

Stiles threw his hands up in the air in frustration and stormed past Theo, "I'm going to find them." 

"You know you won't, Stiles! You're going to have to trust me." Theo stated as he quickly followed behind Stiles. 

There was a moment of silence before Stiles turned around to look at Theo, "Trust you? The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?" 

"Yeah," Theo said quickly, "I was nine years old. I also believed that a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them too." 

Stiles' eyes widened slightly, "So then together you gutted and killed her? That's a beautiful story." 

"I watched her fall into the water and freeze to death in minutes. Do you think I had any idea what was going on?" Theo snapped, getting slightly defensive in his recounting of the story. 

Stiles nodded, "I think you pushed her. And I think you liked it." 

Suddenly, two screams echoed throughout the tunnels and Stiles recognized them both. He recognized the Banshee scream that he's heard on more than one occasion-- but most of all he recognized the quieter scream, the scream of pain that he has only heard a handful of times and each time his heart shatters in seconds. It was Kasey's scream. 

Stiles glanced at Theo with wide eyes, "What direction was that? Where is it coming from?" 


⬘ ⬘ ⬘

I'm not sure how long I had been in the room in the tunnels. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours and there wasn't a single thing I could do about it to stop the time from moving forward. I know that Valack plans on doing his big "magic trick" tonight and I can't let that happen. I can't let him use Lydia and I to find out who the Beast is because Lydia said it's going to get people killed. I don't want anyone to get hurt. 

The door to the room opened and Valack rushed in, pulling a very dazed looking Lydia behind him. My eyes widened as he strapped her into the chair that was sitting beside me. I blinked rapidly as I watched her look around the room frantically, her eyes wide and sweat lining her forehead. She looked like a complete and utter mess-- although I'm sure I don't look much better. 

"Lydia?" I asked slowly, because she looked like she was spacing out and completely unaware of what is happening in this moment. 

I noticed she had four cuts on her throat, they looked like indentations from claws. What the hell happened while I was down here? Lydia winced and began whimpering as Valack dabbed at her wound with a cotton ball, "Just hold on a little longer, Lydia. You can make it." 

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