Chapter 9. Conservation

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"Damnit," Stiles groaned as he popped the hood of his jeep. A cloud of steam smacked him in the face and he started coughing as he ripped off a strip of duck-tape and wrapped it around some tube that he couldn't identify. He had no idea what he was even doing with his jeep anymore, the amount of repairs it needed were over his head and he was struggling to figure out how to get the damn thing to even start. Kasey had left all of five minutes ago and he was supposed to be directly behind her so he could pick her up and then they could go to his house and get some actual sleep.

He sighed as he thought about the lack of sleep that his girlfriend had been getting lately. He felt awful for what she's been going through, and he's been trying his best to ensure her that she's not alone and he is standing by her side no matter what. They had been through enough over the last year or so, and he's almost lost her one too many times for his liking, so he isn't going to push her away ever again.

Stiles opened his mouth to curse out his jeep when instead of a specific four letter word leaving his lips, a scream did. He was screaming and he didn't know why he was screaming but he did know that his shoulder felt like it was being ripped apart and he was struggling to make that feeling go away. His body was jerked backwards and he started reaching desperately for the wrench laying on the jeep in front of him. A hand was then pushed in front of his face and he continued to yell when he noticed that the palm of the hand had a sort of mouth with a hundred spiky teeth inside of it. He was using every ounce of strength he had to push the hand away from his face.

His adrenaline was pumping as he flung his head back, hearing a distinguishable crack as the grip on his body disappeared. He then launched himself at the jeep and snatched up the wrench, swinging it around and hitting his attacker in the face.

He took off running and stopped to turn around so he could see who the hell had snuck up on him. It was dark and he was breathing heavily but as the person pushed themselves up into a standing position his eyes widened, it was Donovan.

Once again, he was running. He pushed through the doors of the school, his shoes squeaking against the tile floor as he accelerated through the hallway. His heart was pounding and his ears were ringing and he had no idea where the hell he was going. The school was dark and he hadn't the slightest clue where he needed to go to hide. He was more concerned about the fact that Donovan was here, how the hell did he just suddenly appear back in Beacon Hills? Stiles reached to touch his wounded shoulder and he winced when his fingers grazed the wound. He wasn't sure what Donovan had cut him with, but whatever it was it ripped through his shirt and his skin. It had to have been the mouth on his hand, and Stiles was even more confused as to how that was even possible.

Stiles stopped in his escape and glanced around the hallway desperately, he didn't want to run upstairs because then he would end up getting trapped because there is only one way back down. He didn't want to hide in a classroom, because what if Donovan could hear him breathing or something? He had to find another location and he needed to hurry before Donovan caught up to him. The library immediately popped into his head and he rushed in the direction of the building where he had just been with Kasey all of ten minutes ago.

Even though he was running for his life, he was extremely relieved that she wasn't here for this. His hands were sore as he shoved through another set of double doors, clenching the wrench in his hand tightly. It was his only weapon and he would have to use it.

When he arrived at the library he quickly swiped his key card and tripped through the doorway. It looked just as it did when he left, only now the lights were off and the workers were gone. His head moved from side to side as he attempted to find a hiding spot, he chose a bookshelf off to the left and dashed over to the corner. Just as he had his body behind the shelf, he heard a pounding on the door. It matched the pounding in his chest.

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