Chapter 18. Bloody Hands

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I was sitting on the steps outside of the school, watching as students walked around aimlessly. I was jealous of their blissful ignorance. To them, a catastrophic situation is failing a test next period... to me, it's being a supernatural hybrid of God knows how many creatures. The Dread Doctors didn't just mess with by abilities either, they did something to my head. I know I'm not the same person that they kidnapped. I came out a new jaded version of myself.

But, I guess 24 hour around the clock torture will do that to a person. 

My phone started buzzing in my pocket, but I ignored it and let it go to voicemail. It's probably Stiles. He won't stop calling me. I don't know what he wants me to say, and after how I left things in the library, I'm not in the mood for a lecture. I'm not even sure if he would give me a lecture, maybe he'd give me a free pass and let it slide because of what I've been through.

A presence approached me and I could hear their footsteps coming to a halt behind me. I turned my head to inspect but they were sitting down beside me before I had the chance. It was Malia, and she had tears in her eyes. I quirked an eyebrow, "What happened to you?" 

"I'm sick of losing like this." she stated as she wiped at her eyes. 

I blinked in confusion, "Losing what?" 

"People. I'm sick of it, I can't handle another body. I'm not like Scott, I just can't do it." she elaborated. 

I snorted, "Well none of us are like Scott, he walks on water compared to us." 

"I'm trying to have an actual conversation with you and you're not being very helpful." Malia snapped, I could smell the anger coming off of her. 

My eyes widened slightly in mock shock, "Oh, my bad. Let me start over. Oh my God, Malia. What happened? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"What's the matter with you?" she inquired, wiping at her eyes again.

I wish I could give her a satisfactory answer, but I can't. I just feel so detached from everything, like nothing really matters. This whole situation does matter, it's really important actually, and I know that it's important... I just can't find it within myself to care.

I shrugged, "My mom's been asking herself that question since I was born." 

"This conversation is obviously going nowhere, so I'm just gonna go." she stated before standing up. 

Once again, I blinked, "Nice talking to you." 

"Whatever," she muttered before storming off into the crowd of students. 

I watched as she disappeared and I was left with an empty feeling in my stomach. I'm not sure what the feeling is, but it's something that's starting to become familiar. It's something that I've been feeling off and on since I've been back. It's something that I dislike greatly.

My cell phone vibrated again and I decided to check it this time. I had been right before, it was Stiles calling me. I sighed as I tapped the green icon and pressed the phone to my ear, "What?" 

"Uh, okay." Stiles breathed out in confusion, my tone obviously striking a chord. 

I rolled my eyes, "Sorry. What are you calling me about?" 

"I wanted to tell you that there's another body. Malia just told me about it and a teacher just called 911, the paramedics should be showing up anytime now." he explained. 

Sirens wailed in the distance and I knew that they were heading straight for the school. I can't believe that there is another dead chimera. That means that the Dread Doctors finally came out of hiding and are causing trouble again. It makes me feel slightly sick to my stomach that they killed another one of their failed experiments. What if I'm next?

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