Chapter 31. Martyr

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Valack pulled Lydia out of my room shortly after she told me about what she had seen. I'm not sure if that was his intention or not, but after hearing that my perspective on getting out of here has changed. Maybe it's better if I stay locked up in Eichen. I don't want out of here if it means that I'm eventually going to end up killing Stiles. I want to keep him safe, even if that means subjecting myself to mind numbing torture by Valack for the rest of my life. 

I was mulling all of this over when he walked back into my room with a wheelchair, it was empty this time. I glanced at him and he smirked, "Did she share anything with you?"

So, I was right. He wanted Lydia to tell me that I will eventually kill Stiles because he wants to get inside my head and make it harder for me to fight for my freedom. He wants to play mind games and hurt me because when I'm weaker it's easier for him to do whatever it is that he wants to do to me. 

"Miss McCall, do you know why I wanted you here?" he asked me as he approached my bed and began undoing the restraints on my wrists.

I blinked slowly, slightly dazed from whatever he had given me this morning when I woke up, "To hurt me?" 

"I wanted you here because you have a connection to the Beast... with you and Lydia here together I can heighten both of your abilities and you can both tell me who it is." he explained as he pulled me off the bed and slid me into the wheelchair. 

This would be the prime opportunity to fight my way to freedom, but there is something in my system preventing me from doing so. He has covered all of his bases and is very intelligent I will give him that... because I can't find it within me to try and escape right now. 

"Why do you need Lydia, too?" I asked weakly as he wheeled me out of my room. 

We passed Lydia's room and he pushed me in a direction that I have never been in before. I have no idea where we are in Eichen House-- because I've only ever been in the closed unit once. I had no idea that Valack cared about who the Beast was, I'm not exactly sure why he does but for some reason he wants to know who it is bad enough to somehow get me back into Eichen so he could do this. 

"With her scream... amplifying your connection to her, you'll be able to tell me who the Beast is." he responded simply. 

I blinked rapidly as we passed through a doorway into yet another hallway, "Where are you taking me?" 

Valack ignored my question and we entered the mens shower room. It was empty, but on the door it had the boy shape on it so that's how I knew where we were. I'm not sure why he pushed me in here because it's literally just a shower room... He wheeled me to the corner of the room above a grate on the floor and he looked at me, "You're going to have to climb down this ladder. I'll go first and you follow, if you try to run it won't be good for you." 

I sighed in defeat as he lifted the grate up and began descending the ladder. I climbed out of the wheelchair and slowly followed his movements. I have no idea where the hell he is taking me but I have a feeling this leads to some sort of tunnels and nothing good ever comes out of going to underground tunnels. 

When I reached the bottom, Valack grabbed a hold of my upper arm and he began pulling me through the tunnels that smelt like chemicals. I stumbled as I tried to keep up with his speed and he was navigating the tunnels effortlessly. He must have been down here several times before because he knows exactly where he is going. 

The hole in my head was starting to burn and I wanted it to just go away. I'm not sure why he felt the need to drill a hole into my head, but apparently it has something to do with having Lydia and I figure out who the beast is. 

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