Chapter 22. Team Bad

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** check out the video i linked. a fan made it for kasey and it's soooooooo fcking good!!!!! **

Stiles was pretty hell bent on not having Scott be a part of the plan, and to be honest I felt that it would be safer if the two of them had some space due to the amount of tension between them. Scott, on the other hand, was determined to stand by Stiles' side now no matter how hard he tried to fight him off. Scott knows that he screwed up big time with not only Stiles, but also with me, and he's trying extremely hard to make up for the damage he has done. I'm more worried about Stiles than my own feelings regarding my brother at the moment, so I'm able to prioritize. Scott and I were going to need to talk eventually, but I'm still not sure if I'm ready to forgive him just yet. 

The three of us had ventured back to my house, while we waited for Theo. Stiles sent him a text and we knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before he showed up. Scott wanted to line the house with mountain ash, just to show Stiles that Theo could cross it and to force his hand in telling us that he is a chimera. I had figured out that he was working with the Dread Doctors based on where he had hid Sheriff Stilinski, but when Scott told me he was a chimera... that was new information. It makes sense as to why he was so angry about me being a "success" while he wasn't. Although, compared to all of the other chimera's who've died, he is still alive so he has to be somewhat of a success. 

I was sitting next to Stiles on the steps that led upstairs. The front door was standing wide open and the sun was pouring into the house. Stiles wasn't speaking, and I know it's because he has a lot on his mind regarding his dad right now. Scott is positioned upstairs, hidden from Theo, but he'll be able to hear his heartbeat letting us know if he is lying about something. Granted, I could hear his heartbeat and Stiles and I could have easily of done with without Scott's help, but he wasn't exactly taking no for an answer at the hospital. 

A shadow covered the floor of the entryway and when I glanced up to the door, I found Theo standing there with that annoying smirk planted on his face. I clenched my jaw as he stepped over the mountain ash, his smirk growing. I wanted to lunge at him and rip him to shreds for everything that he's done, but I can't. I have to have self control because we are trying to do this intelligently and me just attacking him won't get us anywhere. 

"I guess we're all telling the truth now," Theo stated as he glanced at Stiles and myself, before his eyes wandered up the staircase to where Scott was hiding out. 

Stiles grabbed the bloody shirt that Scott had on last night and tossed it at Theo, "You killed my best friend?"

"Let's be honest Stiles," he breathed out as he gripped the shirt tightly, "was he still really your best friend?"

I clenched my jaw, "He was still my brother." 

"Was he?" Theo chuckled as he quirked an eyebrow, "Because, if I'm remembering correctly, I'm pretty sure he disowned you for what you did." 

Stiles decided to intervene, "Are you going to let my father die?" 

"If I wanted him to die, I wouldn't have let Kasey tell you where he was." Theo said evenly as he tossed Scott's shirt across the room. 

So, I had been right. Theo's intention wasn't to hurt Stiles' dad, because if it was then he wouldn't have let Stiles find him in time to save him. That means that something else is happening to Stiles' dad, and I have a feeling that Theo doesn't know about it because his heartbeat is even as hell right now. 

"They why are they saying his body is shutting down? That some toxin's poisoning him and they don't know how to stop it." Stiles asked as he stood from the staircase, squaring up with Theo in a sense. 

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