Chapter 27. Never Let Go

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"Who found them?" 

Stiles, Scott, Kira and myself had all just exited one of the many elevators in the Beacon Hills Hospital. Sheriff Stilinski was standing a few feet away, watching the gourneys pour into the morgue, each one of them holding a dead body. My mouth went dry as I took in the sight of so many dead bodies. All of them being victims of this beast... the beast that I am somehow connected to. 

"Argent." Sheriff Stilinski sighed, "And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said that you guys might know what this thing is." 

So, the Dread Doctors were in the tunnels with all of these dead bodies? Why is that extremely unsettling? Not only do we have a new monster running around Beacon Hills and apparently I'm helping it kill people, but the Dread Doctors are involved even more than we thought they were. 

My brother nodded, "We've got a theory." 

"It's a slightly terrifying theory." Stiles added for good measure.

Stiles' dad sighed, "Well the ME said the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels." 

Who was carrying the bodies to the tunnels? The Dread Doctors? 

"Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies." Scott said slowly.

Well, then that would mean that I would be helping hide the bodies too, right?

Kira blinked rapidly, "Why would they do that?" 

Because we're trying to protect it. 

"Maybe they're covering it. Protecting it like a parent would." Stiles stated. 

My eyes widened when I realized that this could very well be where I come into play. Theo said I'm connected to this thing, right? Well, if I'm not helping it kill people I've got to be helping hide the bodies... why else would I be waking up covered in blood? It makes sense. As much as I want it to not add up, it's starting to. 

"Protecting what?" Sheriff Stilinski asked in confusion. 

A murdering machine.

Scott glanced at him wearily, "A werewolf." 

A very big werewolf. 

"It's called the beast." I added. 

How even more unsettling of a name... 

Stiles looked at his father and nodded his head, "We know. Terrifying." 

Extremely terrifying. 

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true." 

⬘ ⬘ ⬘

"Break the glass." 

I sat up with a gasp, glancing around my room in a panic. The voice that had pulled me out of my sleep, was familiar but at the same time I couldn't place who it was. My room was dark, and the curtains were flapping around from the wind blowing through my open window. I sighed as I placed my head back on my pillows, rubbing my eyes in exhaustion. 

My sleep schedule is so screwed up lately, I'm either walking around outside doing God knows what with the Dread Doctors and the Beast or I'm waking up from nightmares that I can't explain. Being whatever I am, really sucks. I know I'm an Admonere, but I'm something else entirely. I'm a supernatural hybrid of who knows how many creatures. 

Movement on the other side of my bed caused my heart to skyrocket and when I glanced over fearfully, I found Stiles sleeping soundlessly. I had forgotten that he had stayed the night, so once I realized it was him I visibly relaxed. I'm surprised I didn't wake him moments ago, normally whenever we are sleeping together and I wake up gasping-- it wakes him up, too. 

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