Chapter 5. Agree to Disagree

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"You sure your hand is okay?" Stiles asked me for the hundredth time. 

He had just pulled into my driveway, preparing to drop me off for the night. The altercation I had with Scott went down about an hour or so ago. Once we had dropped Liam back off at his house, Stiles and I drove around for a little bit in silence. He could sense that I didn't want to talk about what had happened just yet, and instead of pushing me to speak like he normally does, he left it alone for now. I very rarely fight with Scott, but this is something that not only I have a problem with him about. Stiles agrees with me one hundred and ten percent that Scott is way too willing to accept that everyone we meet had something worth saving in them. 

Even if that is true, we don't have to be the ones responsible for saving them. We have to be responsible for ourselves and making sure that we don't possibly threaten the lives of our group and the people surrounded by us. I can't say for sure that Theo is a threat, but it's looking like a 75% chance that he is and instead of listening to mine and Stiles' concerns Scott just wants to ignore them. By the time he finally comes around, it's gonna be too late. 

"It's healed," I responded flatly. 

My hand stopped hurting about a half hour ago, I just didn't let Stiles in on that information. I haven't said much since I got back in the jeep to be completely honest. My mind has been racing with thoughts about Scott. It's so hard to be mad at him because he's such a good person, but sometimes I just want to shake the living daylights out of him so he will wake up and stop living in that little fantasy world of his. It's so beyond frustrating having to appear to be the bad guy when you're just being a realist. 

Stiles nodded once, "Are you okay?" 

I glanced at him and shrugged, "I guess." 

"Kira's car is here, so that means he's inside... you gonna be okay?" he pressed, not bothering with dancing around the point of his question. 

My eyes wandered over to the red Toyota parked on the street and I sighed, that was Kira's car. Which meant that Scott was in fact home. I was hoping to avoid him for the rest of the night because I'm still slightly pissed at him for making me scream at him like that in front of Liam and Stiles. He just knows how to push my buttons, and he's known how to do it since we were kids. I know that he wanted an argument, because if he didn't then he wouldn't have pressed the issue like he did. 

I was going to have to keep my head down and just walk to my bedroom, praying that his door was closed and he wouldn't see me. I don't want to talk about what happened, and knowing him he's going to want to fix it and talk about it. I'm over it to be completely honest, if he doesn't want to believe us then that's on him. It's gonna come back to bite him in the ass, not me. 

"I'm just gonna go, thank you for bringing me home. Text me and let me know when you make it back home?" I asked as I undid the seatbelt, pushing open the door. 

Stiles sighed and nodded his head, "Yeah, will do. Goodnight." 

"Bye," I said as I climbed out of the jeep. I closed the door and watched him back out of the driveway, slowly making his way down the street. 

I let out a huff of annoyance as I approached the front door. I fished my door key out of my pocket and twisted the lock, taking a breath and pushing the door open. The house was relatively silent, but I knew that Scott had heard me enter. I assume he's in his bedroom with Kira, which means I'm gonna have to face him at some point. 

My feet carried me into the kitchen so I could grab a water bottle, my anxiety was up due to the fight I had with Stiles so I was planning on popping one of my emergency Xanax and calling it a night. My mom got me back on the medicine train after I came back from Mexico. I kept waking up in the middle of the night and I was an anxious mess. I don't take the pills everyday, but whenever I feel like things are starting to get bad, I take one or two. 

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