Chapter 13. Another Chimera

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"I know what happened to Donovan, I know everything." Theo said, he was no longer in his werewolf form and instead we were looking at his human face. 

The transformer behind him was sparking and I have a feeling it's because the chimera had been messing with it. Thankfully it was behind a chain link fence so we had some space between us that the constant sparks flying off of it. I can only imagine how much it would burn to get hit with one. 

Stiles was silent as he glared at Theo in a rushed movement he lunged at him. I gasped when Stiles grabbed his shoulders and slammed him back into the fence, "You don't know anything."

Theo then quickly switched positions with Stiles and I could hear his groan of pain as his shoulder smacked against the fence, "I was there! I was at the library. Malia found the book. She was texting us to see where you were and she said she left you and Kasey at the library. I told her I was close. When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down." 

"You saw him?" Stiles asked, obviously praying that he wasn't crazy about the body disappearing.

He nodded, "Just the body." 

They both released the grips on one another's clothing and I stepped over to them, placing myself in between Theo and Stiles because I'll be damned if I let that little leech touch him ever again. I wish I had my werewolf strength back so I could kick his sorry little ass because I so would right now. Who the hell does he think he is bringing this up and blackmailing us with this. 

"I watched you come out. I was gonna say something but then I saw the cop car. And the body was gone. I don't know who took him. I only saw what you saw, and I didn't say anything because you didn't." 

A police siren wailed off in the distance and I sighed. They always want to show up at the absolute worst times. I don't know how we are supposed to explain the dead body laying a few feet away from us because Theo had to go and rip his damn throat out. That can't be easily covered up or lied about, now can it? 

"That's not an ambulance is it?" Theo asked my boyfriend. 

Stiles shook his head from side to side and began to walk back towards the body. Theo followed behind him, "We should get out of here." 

I gestured to the dead body, "We can't just leave him laying here like this, have you lost your mind?"

"Yeah, we can't leave him." Stiles agreed. 

Theo groaned, "Fine, alright. Let's take him. Someone's stealing the bodies anyway, right? Here's our chance to find out who. Stiles, come on. We gotta do something." 

"You killed him," Stiles said as he stared blankly at Theo. 

The piece of shit's eyes widened as he flung his arms out, "In self-defense! He was going to kill you, me and Kasey. If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story." 

I gawked at Theo who had the audacity to give Stiles an ultimatum. This was a terrible situation to be placed in. Once again, here we are with a dead body and we have to decided whether or not to lie about it or tell the truth. I took option one with Tracy and look where that got me. Stiles took option two with Donovan and everything is still working on pretty decently for him. Now we have to make the decision once again. 

"It's your choice. I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad." Theo said to Stiles.

Stiles was silent for a moment, "Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice."

"This is a terrible idea," I muttered as we all three began to pick up the body to move it. 

Theo and Stiles were holding the majority of the weight, "Kasey, you go first and make sure that there isn't anybody in the stairwell." 

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