Chapter 36. Baby, Let Me

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When my eyelids tore themselves open, the first thing I noticed was the bleak winter sky. It was a washed out gray, and the tops of trees surrounded me in an almost  circle. I blinked rapidly before sitting completely upright, making sure that I was in fact seeing the area around me fully. There was a light snow dusting the ground, my clothes were soaking up the moisture from the ground. I certainly do not recognize where I'm at, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been here before. 

"You're ruining this for me!" 

My eyes widened at the sudden shout from a woman who was nowhere to be seen. I hastily stood to my feet, inspecting the tree line nervously. One would think I'd be used to hearing strange voices and waking up in unfamiliar places.

"Ruining what, exactly?" I decided to ask, eyes still scanning the trees for whomever this voice belonged to. 

All of the trees in the clearing began to tremble as a carbon copy of myself emerged out of them. She had a face that mimicked mine in every possible way, the slope of her nose, the arch in her brows, the tan skin and curly brown hair... the only difference in our appearance right now is that she's wearing a dress that definitely is not from this century. 

"My happily ever after," she breathed out harshly. 

Her happily ever after? Who the hell is she? 

"Who are you?" my voice trembled as I pushed myself up into a standing position. 

The obvious first question here is if I'm actually here or if this is a hallucination. I think it's safe to assume that I'm just trapped inside my own head, because it's not winter and there wouldn't be snow anywhere. Now, the second question is who this woman that I'm being confronted by is. She doesn't appear to be much older than I am, but something about the way she speaks makes me feel like she is. 

Her eyes rolled dramatically as she began to inspect her fingernails, "That's not exactly the proper way to phrase your question, Kasey." 

At the sound of my name, my stomach tightened harshly. How does she know who I am? 

"How should I phrase it?" I decided to play into her game. 

She chuckled, "It's who are we."

"Listen lady," I began with a clipped tone, "I've already been down the "having your body possessed by an evil spirit" road. I am not doing this again."

A smirk tugged at her lips, "I'm simply trying to reclaim what was taken from me. We sure do look an awful lot alike, don't you think, Kase?"

There was something about the way she spoke that made me feel like I know her somehow. Her voice sounds like mine, that much is obvious, but there's something about the way she is speaking that feels extremely familiar. The woman walked towards me, her eyes scanning over me, calculating what my next move would be. I don't quite understand what is going on here, but I feel like we are sort of battling for control. That's why the trees keep shaking. There's an imbalance. 

"You seem to know a lot about me... but I don't know a damn thing about you." I responded, watching her snake-like movements. 

She chuckled again, "Your mind is strong, a lot stronger than I thought it would be... one would think with as much trauma as you've gone through, your psyche would look for any excuse to just take a much needed vacation... yet you're fighting it. How about you just let me take control for awhile, then you can see who I am." 

This woman was giving me more information than she thought she was. She needs my body, sort of like a vessel to use because she must not be strong enough to exist on her own. She knows a lot about my past, meaning she's been in my head for some time now. Is she my connection to the Beast? Is she why I keep losing time? Has she taken over my body fully already? 

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