Chapter 37. ut se obliviscatur

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+   +   + the title is latin, not just a bunch of letters put together lol, just a heads up  +   +   + 

"I've been trying to think of the best way to explain it without sounding insane, well-- without sound more insane than I do on a regular basis, I guess." I huffed out as I plopped myself down onto the foot of my mattress. 

Stiles was sitting in my desk chair, both feet planted on the floor with his elbows resting on his knees. I had been pacing around in my room for the last ten or so minutes, trying to gather my rambling and racing thoughts and string them together into some sort of comprehensible explanation. 

Scott had apparently faced off against the Beast during my momentary psychotic break and was very much hurt at the moment. Kira had nearly carried him up the stairs and into his room so he could get some rest. I offered to take his injuries much like I did Stiles', but Stiles shut that down immediately with a "he will heal on his own". So, Stiles then led me to my bedroom so we could discuss what happened without Scott demanding answers and Kira helplessly watching the metaphoric ping pong ball bounce between Scott and I as we bickered.

I slowly met Stiles' gaze and he offered me a small encouraging smile, "Just take your time. Don't force anything, okay?"

Reluctantly, I nodded my head, "I can't remember much... I remember fragments." 

To be honest I'm not sure why everything started fading away with each passing second. As soon as I came to and realized that Stiles was in danger, it was like somebody had pressed the PLAY button on a remote and a recording of what I had just seen in my head played in front of me with ease... but as quickly as the memories played before me they began to fade away. Instead of moving pictures I have blurred and fuzzy images.

I can see trees enveloped in white. I can see pieces of my face scattered around in the air, like chipped mirror fragments suspended-- frozen in time. I can hear a faint echo of my voice, bouncing around in the trees demanding to be heard. I can feel the cold air, biting at my exposed skin. 

All of those details obviously do not add up to anything that makes any remote sense... so how am I supposed to explain them? I don't think I can. I need to make sense of it all because the answer to why I keep blacking out lies within those fragments of my memory. We can end all of this and help save Mason the sooner that I get answers. 

"Tell me again, about what happened when I blacked out." I winced as I made my request to Stiles, because he has told me at least ten times now and hearing his recount over and over again eats away at my sanity because knowing that I caused him any type of harm is unforgivable.

Stiles frowned as he shook his head from side to side, "I don't think you need to hear it again. Why do you want to keep punishing yourself for that? It wasn't you that did this to me, you and I both know this."

"I just keep thinking maybe if I hear it again something in my head will click," I sighed in exasperation, running my hands through my tangled hair. 

Stiles had told me that whomever is in my head is apparently a woman who was, well is I suppose, in love with the man that is the Beast. How she was able to cross that barrier from the afterlife to possess me is obviously a mystery, but I'm sure the Dread Doctors are to blame. He had told me that this woman is hell-bent on getting her man back into her life, in whatever means possible, and he also said that she told him that I looked the part. Whatever that even means. 

"The only way we are gonna figure this is out is by taking our time and working through it together, right? We are in this together, Kase. We always have been and I'm gonna help you figure this out." Stiles assured me as he offered me a warm smile. 

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