Chapter 24. Surprise Bitch

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"So, let me get this straight... you're willingly enlisting Scott's help, when not even ten minutes ago you were telling me that you weren't ready to forgive him?" I asked Stiles as he pulled into my driveway. 

Due to me driving to the hospital I had to drive back to my house separate from him, after he saw the footage he told me that we needed to get Scott. I'm not all that excited about getting the band back together just yet, because that meant that we would have to get Malia back in at some point and I'm not really in the mood for her just yet. 

Stiles nodded as he shut the door to his jeep, "My dad said that I need to forgive him." 

"He said the same thing to me but that doesn't mean that I'm going to do it?" I responded as I folded my arms over my chest. 

He glanced at me sadly, "He hurt me and I'm not sure if I'm totally over it yet, but it's Scott, Kase. It's not good to hold onto all of this negativity." 

"Whatever," I muttered in slight annoyance. 

Just because he's forgiving him doesn't mean that I have to forgive him, too. I need to have an in depth conversation with Scott before any forgiveness can even take place. I'm not sure when this conversation will happen but it needs to happen before we can move forward. I have so many things that I need to say to him and he is going to listen to them whether he likes it or not. 

I pushed open the front door and headed up to my brother's bedroom. When I entered I found him in the bathroom, his wound from Theo still taking up his torso. It wasn't healing like it should be and I think a majority of the reason to that is because he has lost some of his strength with his pack being disbanded. 

Stiles cleared his throat as he walked towards the bathroom door, gaining Scott's attention. He looked up from his wound and smiled faintly as Stiles said, "Hey. Still not healing?" 

"Sometimes it just takes a little longer. What are you doing here?" he asked as he grabbed a towel to dry his hands. 

My boyfriend blinked rapidly, "Uh, you heard about the guy who got killed out at the communication towers right? I think I may have figured something out." 

"You two want my help?" Scott asked slowly, glancing between Stiles and myself in confusion. 

Stiles nodded, "Yeah, well, you said you could find the clues that I can't." 

There was a heavy silence and you could tell that Scott was extremely happy to be included once again. Stiles pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and flashed the screen at Scott, "Here take a look. This is when the technician first arrived. You see him going in. Then Deputy Clark goes in. Then something really big and really fast comes charging out. And now comes Clark. Eventually, the technicians body is carried out by paramedics." 

"Okay? What am I missing?" Scott asked in confusion. 

Luckily, I wasn't on the security camera footage... meaning that I had gotten into the communication towers the same way that the big black thing did, and since it didn't use the front entrance that means there is another entrance somewhere inside. I'm not sure how I managed to find it, but I had gotten in there somehow and it wasn't through the front door. There is the possibility that maybe I'm the big black thing that came running out, but I don't want to entertain that just yet. 

"Two people go in. Three come out. I checked all the footage, not a single person enters that building before the technician the entire day. So, where does that something really big and really fast come from?" Stiles asked the question, hoping that Scott would put it together. 

My brothers eyes widened, "There's another way in." 

Stiles nodded, "And there's one more thing we need to tell you." 

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