Bryan: Fairy Tales & Fantasies

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A/N: Originally, this was supposed to be an imagine with scenarios for each member, but I decided at the last minute to just make one for Bryan. I've had this as a draft for quite a while, and I wasn't sure If I wanted to post this or not. Now, I've decided to post it. Thank you for reading and stay strong and stay beautiful, lovelies <3

Winter just had its first snowfall of the season, and yet I'm out in the garden; sitting on a bench. The stars shone in the sky, aligned with the moon that was dancing with the clouds that are nowhere in sight. The rustle of wind whipped through my hair, and the snow looked like marshmallows that fell on the dead petals on the flowers. The fountain in front of me continues to move water back and forth. Everything looked like it was part of a movie.

The prince was set to come into the village sometime this week, but he didn't give a specific date because he didn't want to cancel if something came up. And now I'm left here wondering if this prince says what he says he is. Men in this village are idiotic and reckless. No men in this village deserves a woman. Getting up, I picked up the woven basket next to me and walked through the path towards the door into the house. Upon walking in, both my younger sisters were helping mother set the table, so I pulled my hair into a ponytail and decided to help them. 

After we made the final touches to the meal and ate, I decided to head to my room and write. Picking up the feather pen, I dabbed ink onto it and began writing poetry. Eventually, the writing made me tired, so I ended up falling asleep on my desk. 

~Next Morning~

Horns rang throughout the village, which signaled that the prince had arrived. I woke up instantly and changed into different clothes and walked back towards the window to watch the people line up the streets to greet the prince. The prince rode up with his horse and walked slowly, so I was able to get a good glimpse of what he looked like. He had straight, brown hair that flew down to his shoulders, a crown placed atop his head, an olive complexion, and a tall stature. I must admit that he is handsome. I walked downstairs to notice that both my sisters had their faces pressed on the front window to look at him, and I let out a small laugh. I guided them outside to meet our parents, and the prince was talking to them. After a couple of minutes of conversation, the prince looked at me and gestured for me to walk up to him. 

"Hello m'lady. May I ask your name?" He asked with a hand reached out to put my hand in his. I intertwined my hand with his and responded, "Y/N." 

"What a beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl." He complimented, and I could feel the heat enter my cheeks, "Shall you accompany me to the masquerade ball tonight?" 

He just asked me if I wanted to join him. I should slap some sense into him. Why me? There were more beautiful girls in the village that would do anything to go with him, and yet he chose me. Honestly, I was speechless.

"She will love to go," mother responded with her eyes moving back to me with a smile. 

"Perfect. I'll arrive at your house at around seven." The prince said with glee, and smirked at me. Butterflies began to fill my stomach, and then my good friend Bryan ran up to me with a somewhat hurt expression on his face.

"You're gonna go with him?" He asked in a depressed tone. 

"Yes I am. What's wrong?" I asked worryingly. He was never like this, and it broke my heart to see him in this position. He shrugged and pulled me in for a long-lasting hug. After we broke apart, he went back to his home and spent the rest of the night there. What did I do wrong? Did he like me? 

~Later That Evening~

"Sweetheart, you look so beautiful," My mom complimented, while she stared at me with awe. The dress she made was gorgeous: it was a royal blue dress that had black stitching, was strapless and a high neck-line that had black gloves to accompany the dress. My hair was pulled into a perfect bun with a few curls strung out of the face, and I had to admit, for once I looked good. My father walked into the house with fruits in a basket and Bryan walked in beside him. Bryan looked at me, and was astonished. He looked up and down my figure, which made me feel uncomfortable, but I knew that all men have an urge to do that.

"You look beautiful Y/N." Bryan whispered to me, while he pulled me in for another embracing hug. Moments later, my father cleared his throat and Bryan let go almost immediately. My mother led me out of the door, with the prince arriving a few minutes later. She kissed my temple, and the prince pulled me on top of the horse and we went towards the castle. 

A little fact about the masquerade ball: It's a huge deal. Everyone from the villages and the kingdom went to it, and even the kids were allowed to roam around the castle. We walked into the castle and the scene was stunning. Women and their husbands were dancing across the floor, the orchestra played Vivaldi's Four Seasons, the gold walls shone bright because of the main lights on, the chandelier swung high on the ceiling, the chatter of people talking filled the room and the smell of the food was overwhelming. The prince pulled me towards the floor and we began dancing. Everything felt just fine, but people were glancing at us and talking softly to whoever was near. I didn't want to become the top gossip of the kingdom, but I just continued focusing on the prince and we continued swaying to the music.

 "Prince William, I challenge thee to a duel for the girl's heart." A voice screamed through the crowds. The voice sounded extremely familiar, and then what's when it hit me. Bryan stood at the door with a sword in his hand and leaned against the frame of the wall. What? The prince stopped the dance and drew his sword. The two met halfway and began the dual of the year. Bryan swung first, but his hit missed and the sword flew out of his hand and into the punch bowl.

"Alright, that was uncalled for!" Bryan yelled, while William just laughed at his foolishness. Bryan ran towards the punch bowl and grabbed the sword before continuing the battle once more. The two continued to fight, but William seemed to be in the lead. After all, he's been trained in his for all his life. Eventually, William pulled Bryan towards him and put the sword up to his throat.

"You seriously think that you can defeat me?" Prince William laughed, and was ready to end Bryan's life. 

"Stop!" I yelled. Prince William put Bryan down and stared at me, "Stop!" 

"You can't tell me to stop!" 

"Actually, yes I can. You walk around saying that you're the prince and that you deserve the best, when in reality, you deserve the worst. You act like you can't be defeated, but take away the sword and what are you? A prince? Just because you're royalty doesn't mean you can do this!" I asserted, and took Bryan away from Prince William. William looked like he wanted to argue back, but I knew that he couldn't find an argument. Bryan and I walked outside of the castle, before he turned to me.

"Y/N, I love you. That's why when you said yes to going with him, I had to do this. You must think I'm an idiot." Bryan frowned, and I made him look at me.

"I don't think you're an idiot for doing what you did, but you should be careful. I don't want you getting hurt." I responded and then Bryan pulled me in for a kiss. This kiss was filled with passion. It lasted a while, until we stopped to get air. "Also, I love you too." 

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