Requested: Bad Luck

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Another request for the awesome elizabeth9595

For the people that think long-distance relationships are the most romantic thing or that they aren't that hard to maintain, you're wrong. Long-distance relationships are the most stressful things that anyone can endure, especially if the significant other is in a different country; hence our relationship. The last time I saw Jeydon was three months ago, and it was when he came to California to meet up with me and My Digital Escape. Since then, I've had to keep myself busy with both my job and the hobbies that make up my entire life. I started to take up guitar and perform in the streets for extra money, while maintaining as many tips that my job as a waitress at Applebee's can give me. But since I had today off, I decided to get my surfboard and head out to venice beach to take my mind off of Jeydon's missing presence. Walking into my closet, I search throughout my closet for my mint blue bikini, a red coverup and flip flops that match the outfit before heading out. By the time I got outside, the sun's rays were at their highest and hit me head-on, but I didn't mind. The warmth felt good against my skin. I unlocked the car and everything I needed was in my bag and my surfboard was strapped to the top of the car, so I put the keys in the ignition and head to Venice beach.

"Emira!" Someone screamed, but the voice sounded familiar. It couldn't be Jeydon; he's in Canada. I turned around towards the surf shop and a tall figure that was Jeydon. Wait, what? Before I could process what was happening, Jeydon ran into me and pulled me into a tight hug that made me suffocate.

"Jeydon. I need to breathe," I said with the amount of air left in me and Jeydon made a small chuckle.

"Sorry Emira, but I can't help it. I missed you so much." Jeydon explained and kissed me in between each word. His kisses were soft and quick, but I could tell how much he meant every one of them. We just stood there in the hug, and savored the moment that we were having. 

"You wanna go surfing?" I asked, but it came out as a mumble against his chest. 

"I would, but I have to go do something. I'll be back as soon as possible; I promise." Jeydon explained and kissed the top of my head before heading to his car. Although our time together for now was limited, I still enjoyed the few minutes we had together. Strapping off the surfboard from the top of the car, I grab my beach bag and go down to the sand to wax my surfboard. Minus the people, everything felt just right at the moment. Waves were cascading, swirling and twirling (Do You Get The Reference?) and created an uplifting sound that took over the entire beach. On top of that, the smell of salt overwhelmed the area and to me as well. I picked up my surfboard and went out towards the sun's rays above the ocean water and swam out to the sea. I swam out to the right area, and stood up on the board to prepare myself for the impending wave. The wave came right at me, and I managed to ride the wave. I finally felt at peace with the world, which I never felt. Then, something hit me, but I couldn't tell what. But I knew I was in a lot of pain, and it was hard to move back on the surfboard. When I started to drown, I felt someone pull me up out of the water. 

"Are you alright?" An attractive lifeguard asked and stood over my body in the sand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said leaning up to look for Jeydon. 

"Listen, you were attacked by a shark, but everything'll be fine. Look at me" The lifeguard urged, but at the moment, I'm more worried about Jeydon and if he returned back safely. But then I saw him fighting through the crowd of people around me. 

"Emira, what happened?" Jeydon yelled, while examining the teeth marks and blood that surrounded my left arm. 

"Apparently, a shark attacked me while I was surfing," I mumbled, but Jeydon made out what I said. Through the expression on his face, he looked absolutely horrified. Jeydon took in the position I was in and he put his arms to each side of me to keep himself steady on top of me.

"Love, I'm so sorry this happened. It wouldn't of happened if I just stayed here -"

"No, Jeydon. This has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself." I tried to look optimistic for him and I gave him a weak smile, but he returned it. Jeydon decided to take me to the hospital and spend the rest of the night spoiling me with affection, food and cuddles to help me recover from earlier. 

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